#203438 - 01/11/05 10:39 PM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
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Registered: 11/10/00
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Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
Very true Rikki. I can go back to 1998, which is when I first started playing around with soft synths. I tried a few and quickly abandoned the idea. Even just 7 years ago, I thought the sonic quality of most of them to be relatively poor vs hardware.
Fast forward to a few years later. I kept reading about the FLR system, and then started frequenting sites like KVR and to a lesser extent Harmony Central. Then I d/l'd RGC Audio's Freeware "Triangle", and I was amazed at the sounds. Right then and there I began to realize the potential. A couple of years later, and I'm still amazed at what can be done with vst and like technologies.
Back to the topic.. I can see where using XG works, and maybe even SQ01, could still hold some advantages vs using Cubase, Sonar, Logic, etc for Yamaha arranger / XG based kb users. SQ01 is actually decent, and has good audio capabilities, but they left out a few of the things that were good about XG works, like style playing capabilities, the midifile importer, etc.
For any other keyboards or softsynths, I wouldn't recommend either XGW or SQ01 vs even a decent low to mid level sequencer package. There are several things that even the bottom end versions of Cakewalk ( Metro ? ), FL studio, and Orion give a user that XG works won't. Heck, there are a few freeware DAW's / sequencers at KVR that do more.
Scott, I remember reading about that as well. I think the closest they may have gotten was to use Opt panels that are setup for Some of the Yamaha kbs, and that I believe may also be interchangeable between Sonar and SQ01.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 01-11-2005).]
#203440 - 01/13/05 08:40 PM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I wonder if it's really dead or is Yammie up to something here. They have Steinberg now, so I wonder what they're planning to do here. Maybe a combo of Steinberg and XG Works???????
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#203441 - 01/13/05 09:29 PM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Jon, if you don't already own xg, why not try it with a demo sequencer http://www.pgmusic.com/ptdemo.htm You mightn't be able to save your edits, but if you played it back via midi using the pro as a sound module, hopefully you may be able to tell if everything is sounding as it should ie that all the sysex messages etc are working. It may even be possible to record it back into the pro's sequencer via midi, but that sometimes requires a complicated set up, that I really can't remember how to do. Midifiles have made things so much easier, than years back, when the only way to transfer a song from a keyboard to a computer, was via a midi cable. best wishes Rikki [QUOTE]Originally posted by JonPro: [B]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#203443 - 01/15/05 02:58 PM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Jon, on re-reading some of the posts, I don't think the guys actually said that what you're wanting to do wouldn't work with xg works ( please correct me if I'm wrong anyone )?? ie if all you'r wanting to do is record a sequence ( midifile ) in your pro, then load it into xgworks for editing, then save it and be able to play it back in your pro. XG eworks doesn't have a voicing table specifically for the pro, but if you wanted to change voices on tracks, you probably could do it manually with program & bank changes ( data in your manual). Just find the instrument that most closely matches the instruments in your pro. You'd probably be missing some drumsets and a few instruments, but you could probably edit those in manually.
It's been years since I've had anything to do with sysex messages. I used to have to edit them years back when I was using a midi patch bay with a number of sound modules, but nowadays having just the one instrument, when they pop up, I just ignore them, as everything usually seems to work ok.
I actually have both programs , each has it's pro's and cons for editing. I don't actually use them for recording songs in realtime, I mainly use them for revoicing the odd midifile, but mainly I used to use them for editing styles.
I haven't actually worked out, do you already own xg works ? if not give the pg music demo a try. The reason I mentioned the midi link up is , that I'm pretty sure power tracks won't allow you to save in demo program, most demo programs won't.
best wishes Rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JonPro: [B]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#203445 - 01/17/05 07:41 AM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 89
Loc: Sydney, Australia
Thanks guys for your continued help. To answer your questions .... Rikki, you are correct when you say that I am wanting to record a sequence ( midifile ) in the 9000PRO, then load it into xgworks for editing, then save it and be able to play it back in the 9000PRO. This is the first step I need to achieve before going onto creating styles using other mediums. I thought that XGWORKS compatability with the 9000PRO would be necessary, what ever path I took, using XGWORKS for inprocess editing (for notation)as well as final editing. Rikki,I do actually own an early copy of XGWORKS which I purchased when I was using a PSR640 a few years ago. It worked well then, but then I upgraded to the 9000PRO. I have recently upgraded my computer and in so doing moved to XP which in itself has provided a few more challenges. Hence I come to this point of wonder, if it is worth resurecting XGWORKS or just leave it buried and move on to a better (well supported) program. AJ, you are correct when you say that I might (will) cross the boundary and want to work with audio and midi inside of the same app. So your comments on XGWORKS here are valuable. In the meantime, Bryan (Pilot)has offered to send me the XGWORKS file updates for the 9000PRO. Many thanks Bryan. Sooooooooooo ...... The obvious path for me is to look at XGWORKS (upgraded to XP) in the light of the files which Bryan is sending and then, without wasting too much time in the process, see what can be achieved and for what effort. Looking at all the replies to this thread, It makes me think that there are many possible solutions. Perhaps we could review the currently available programs, relative to the different makes and models of keyboards - a topic for another thread.
#203446 - 01/17/05 04:43 PM
Re: XGWORKS - Fall from grace ?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Jon, if you can get xgworks up and running then give it a try. Power Tracks Pro Audio is a fairly inexpensive sequencer ( I gave you the link up top), there's a demo to try. Plus the programs AJ mentioned , Sonar, Fruityloops have demo's also. It's so great being able to try before you buy. As for when you get into creating/editing psr styles, ( favourite pastime of mine, obsession actually) I use OMB software http://www.1manband.nl/omb.htm it's actually a realtime arranger program, but it has some wonderful psr style editing/creation functions, including creating styles from midifiles. Sequencer for style editing, is not necessary for this program. best wishes Rikki [QUOTE]Originally posted by JonPro:
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022