Money spent is money spent PERIOD. !!! You spend it on a product and you are entitled to support from a company if something isn't right and to what is advertised , regardless of whether you bought the Lexus or the Chevy.

If I were to put new windows in your house wouldn't you expect the exact the same commitment, service, and truth in advertising from me whether I was installing Pella ( top of the line and very expensive ) or Andersen ( very good but a little less expensive ) ? I suspect that you would, and that's exactly what you would get. Shouldn't we be able to expect similar from the folks who make and sell these boards ?

Tom, I'm as ticked as anyone about the 2000, but it just can't be compared to a Casio ( or low end Yamaha for that matter ) that you would find in Sam's. For me, it's just better to walk away. Oh well off to the music store.

Cheers gang,
