Arrangers are only a hobby for me so the WK pretty much stays in the basement. But once a year, I pull out all the gear into the garage and invite the neighborhood over for a little shindig. Here I am fumbling for the next chord.
The mini-fridge behind me is fully stocked, a fresh Corona waiting for me when I finish the song, and the empties piling up against the wall behind the grinder. It was a great day. My eyes are on the screen of the keyboard, the laptop is off to my right.....Audience eye-contact......Forgetaboutit!

Later that evening, after consuming many ounces of "courage", I serenaded my lovely wife, Val, with Can't Take My Eyes Off You.
Fortunately, the rest of the crowd was feeling like I was so they thought Frank Sinatra was "in the house". I still don't know where I got that cowboy hat from.

Can't wait till next year........
[This message has been edited by msutliff (edited 09-06-2007).]