Originally posted by mr82thebar:
It seems that the good ol'Chinese make the pedals as is also the case in 99% of Yamaha products.
Yep, even the Tyros is: "made in China". Though I myself wasn't made in China, I admit that I sometimes 'don't work correctly' either.
It's paradoxical now that it was Japan (at one time) that was the Country considered synonomous with cheaply made goods. I suspect that things will change again, and China may eventually emerge as the sleeping giant and dominate the market (as Japan does now) with cutting edge products, finding yet another someone else willing to do the work even cheaper. This is the sad result of America off-shoring the manufactering base. Yes, cheaper prices for the consumer (which we're constantly screaming for), but putting people out of work here right and left as a result. Funny thing is that with no manufactering base here means the loss of jobs at home, which means not being able to afford buying the products no matter 'how cheap' or 'cheaply made' they become. The only REAL $ winners here I'm afraid are the BIG corporations.
Just one perspective of course.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-03-2005).]