#207583 - 12/02/0110:30 AMCVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Senior Member
Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
I just got a hold of all the OTS styles that the CVP209 has that the PSR2000 doesn't have. The OTS settings are awesome. I'll try to post them to egroups.
If you use my system of having a plastic container of various colored floppies velcroed to the side of your PSR2000, you can have access to these styles in seconds. After the gig, you can just pull off the container, close the lid, and put it in your gig bag. It's the next best thing to having a hard drive.
#207584 - 12/04/0105:14 PMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
I tried out the CVP209 stuff (both with OTS and also the 15 zip file collection w/o OTS). Some nice stuff indeed. As earlier stated by Beakybird, some of the styles are duplicates of the ones already in the PSR2000.
Does anybody have a list of which of the above CVP209 styles are NOT internal to the 2000? I'm sure I could figure it out myself by going over each one 'one by one', but I was hoping someone here might have already done that, and could save me the trouble.
Thanks, - Scott
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 12-04-2001).]
#207585 - 12/04/0105:24 PMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Gunnar Jonny
Senior Member
Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
A exel list is on the way, but if it is this that you're looking for, well, tell me when you got it GJ
Cheers 🥂 GJ _______________________________________________ "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
#207587 - 12/04/0105:47 PMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Senior Member
Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
I went through the Excel list, and that's how I arrived at the files that I posted to the egroups web site. I just made a couple of errors. The Beguine style already exists, and there is one other. The rest, I'm almost certain are all unique to the CVP209 or are styles that are on the PSR2000 style disk.
#207588 - 12/04/0105:47 PMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Gunnar Jonny
Senior Member
Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4410
Loc: Norway
Nope, not so far. But as you know, I like to convert and tweak styles to explore on my KN Btw, there are jazz-chord discussion going on at Technote, something for you I guess GJ
Cheers 🥂 GJ _______________________________________________ "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
#207589 - 12/04/0107:11 PMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi Larry: I just checked the CVP209 w/OTS file collection (posted on the Yahoo Groups PSR site) against the Excel Listing. Based on this, the following CVP209 w/OTS styles (styles not already included internally in the PSR2000 or on the floppy diskette which comes with the PSR2000) appear to be missing.
I guess the list is still incomplete. Together with the CVP209 w/o OTS set I posted in YahooGroups (I was unfortunately requested by Yamaha to delete) I posted also an Excel list, comparing CVP209 and PSR2000 styles. Included is also file size information, to have a better compare not only via the style file name.
#207591 - 12/05/0107:33 AMRe: CVP209 styles with OTS for PSR2000
Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
You mentioned: "Together with the CVP209 w/o OTS set I posted in YahooGroups (I was unfortunately requested by Yamaha to delete)...".
(1) Was this a list YOU compiled or copied from an existing list created by YAMAHA? (2) If this was YOUR list, does YAMAHA have the right to ask that you take it down? How was this presented to you?
(3) Question to all: I am not really into law at this point but how far can a company 'restrict' postings/information/data on their product? What does the law say about this - if any?
sorry for my perhaps confusing sentence. I was NOT requested to delete the Excel sheet, comparing CVP209 styles and PSR2000 styles, I was requested to delete the styles themselves.
The request regarding the styles was presented to me personally from a Yamaha representative. He showed me a letter, addressed to myself, asking for removing the CVP209 and PSR2000 sets from YahooGroups. Unsure about the legal situation at all I agreed to do it.