Sigh ...... I LOVE teaching, but for the last year or so, I have only played a handful of music shows. (I've heard some refer to these as "gigs")
I'm not complaining, rather .... I'm here to join allegiance with the many of you who perform on a "less than full-time" basis, yet, still consider yourself a pro player/performer.
Each day at school, I have a captive audience, a room FULL of gear, a creative environment, and my own “stage” … to speak. It’s really a great way to spend the day, but I have noticed my stamina declining a bit when I get into a live performance. All the talking during the day is so destructive to my voice, and I used to be SO spoiled by my days off …… I get tired after singing 3 sets now. I used to sing 6-7 nights a week, with doubles and triples on the weekends! Aggghhh !!!!
I’m getting soft!
So, WHY do I write this?
I want to give a “pat on the back” to those of you in part time situations that juggle multiple careers, family time, and playtime and manage to stay sane in the process.
My life is so different from a short 2 years ago, when my biggest worry was where
Fran, Donny and I were going for breakfast in the morning!
Now, there are deadlines, grades, lesson plans, life skills, drama (on AND off stage), headaches, tummy aches, packing lunches, snow days, faculty meetings …….. The list is endless, but again – I DO love it…….. It’s just….. Well, Valentines Day, and schools closed because of freezing rain and ice, my girls are all snowed in across town,
(I managed to sneak over last night an deliver “Cupid’s” gifts for them all ! )
I have an empty house to clean and its 7 o’clock in the morning!
Here I am … UP at first light with no where to go, no one to hang out with and no where to work? Crap … I guess I WILL have to clean this house today.
Sigh …….. and when’s BREAKFAST, dammitt ?!?!?!?