thanks guys,
I have done some rewiring in here and it seems to be ok now.
I am running the left and right main out to the Mackie 16 channel mixer and feeding from there into the computer sound card. I can also feed out of the mixer into any of the several sound systems on the sound wall, after going through the stereo graphics 32 channel EQ.
I have the computer sound card feeding into the Logitech Z2300.
I can run the computer and any sounds from it into the z2300 with only it turned on. If I want to feed sound out of the Tyros 2 I have to turn on the studio racks that have the mixer and sound effects and recording gear etc. Once all that is turned on I can feed the sound anywhere i want it to go.
I haven't tried the cakewalk Pro Audio 9 just yet but I think it will be ok. I believe this is the way I used to have the studio wired up. I found an old schematic and it appeared to be wired this way.
Thanks to all,
The computer sound card is now feeding directly into the Logitech Z2300.
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 06-01-2006).]