Thanks for all your good answers and advices. I'm still confused though... I've never heard a real SD1 playing, just the demos, and i don't like the solo sounds I hear on the demo. On the other hand, i really like the styles so....
Well, I've got use a little more time to check out the different models. I just wish there where more dealers here in the west of Norway...
Again, thanks for all your opinions. If there's still somebody out there who have a word on this subject, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
GunnarJonny: Thanks, I might check out the 6500 if I can find one. Nice to see that there's more Norwegians on this list. Could you tell me which dealer you normally use?
Dan01: Do you think the SD1's solo sounds are better than the Sweet, cool and live voices of the 9000Pro? When I listen to the great "Autumn leave" MP3, I really enjoy what I hear.. until the trumpet and clarinet kicks in. I don't find these sound very realistic. What do you think? Also, I'would really like to get my new keyboard from you, but I think the distance would be a problem, as i live in the west of Norway.
Nobby: Sorry, my old 8000 is already sold on auction here in Norway.