Mike, it is possible to do this with VA-series.
A Roland style is built of up to 36 different "parts"- I donīt remember the correct term (intro, original, variation, fill to orig, fill to vari, ending (=6), all those in basic or advanced =6*2=12), and all those in major, minor, or seventh (=12*3=36).
Those 36 "parts" can be totally different (if you want). You can for instance have a longer sequenced symphonic part triggered by "original, advanced, minor", an ordinary 2 measure jazzwalts triggered by "fill to vari, basic, seventh", and "smoke on the water" triggered by "ending, basic, major" etc. etc.
You can do it all from scratch, you can combine various ready made styles, you can use sequenced parts like midifiles or you can combine all this. You can have 36 different songs in one style - or you can..... And all this is triggered by a button (intro, etc) and by chord (maj, min 7).
The only problem is, that it can be somewhat tricky to create this style, containting all this - but itīs fully possible!
Regards, Michael