#210846 - 08/16/03 10:57 PM
Buying additional keyboard
Registered: 08/16/03
Posts: 52
*id like to preface my message by saying that im relatively a novice about keyboards/arrangers/workstations* alright, right now I am working on a PSR-740 (love it) for my gigs and also for sequencing, etc etc. I am looking to buy a second keyboard. I am not sure if the new keyboards out there are significantly better or not, but I am interested in finding out. Im primarily a musician, but also a geek  so whatever keyboard I buy, i want something with lots of options, Im looking for something that is good for gigging but also just for casual home use or sequencing. Obvoiusly, im quite a novice, so dont insult me to much, you guys seem really intelligent and well-learned about this stuff, so perhaps you can steer me in the right direction whether it be yamaha, korg, technics, etc.
#210848 - 08/16/03 11:21 PM
Re: Buying additional keyboard
Registered: 08/16/03
Posts: 52
alright alright alright, its kind of late, but let me try to specifiy.
first of all, i am only 16, which probably accounts for my limited knowledge of keyboards. as far as gigs, i play @ a local cigar bar, and parties here and there, but most of my playing is done at home. I would say that I spend more time improvising and playing on spot than sequencing, and while I dont want something necessarilly over-complicated, I certainly am tech-savvy enough to learn and adapt. As I said, right now I am working on a Yamaha PSR 740, and so I immediately figured a Tyros or 2100 would be the next logical upgrade? Unfortunately, I am a serious novice, and know very little about the world of keyboards outside of my limited experience with Yamaha's and Korg's. If you cannot make any recomendations or point me in the right direction yet, I will be happy to answer any more questions you need. Thanks man
ah, also, I dont generally sing, altho I am interested in starting a ben folds-esque band perhaps w/ local drummer/bassists/or sax - ses
*one more question: is the psr740 still considered an adequate keyboard? do new ones radically outperform ? just curious thanks *
[This message has been edited by Sesom163 (edited 08-16-2003).]
[This message has been edited by Sesom163 (edited 08-16-2003).]