Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Alright people, I just received my XP service pack 2...So tell me..do I install it or not? Will it correct anything that I am not aware of being wrong with my OS? What will it fix?
I haven't opened the package yet...should I or not?
If it ain't broke don't fix it....

While Scotty Yee says go ahead, I think you should be aware of some pitfalls you could possibly encounter Fran if you decide to install SP2 that have been reported not only by several well reputed computer 'experts', but also by many other 'computer users' who have been thrown for a loop after installing SP2. One prime example is Scott Yee with the Media Bar in IE that stopped working.
You just may want to wait a while to let Microsoft get a handle and fix all of the reported flaws in SP2 before you decide to upgrade Fran. Besides all of the reported software AND hardware conflicts that are being reported, there are also 'security' flaws that have been reported in SP2.
Please though, before you decide to install SP2, I would recommend you make a back up copy of your entire Registry and use the MS System Restore feature to make a restore point prior to the time of install of SP2.
Then 'close' ALL running programs on your computer, i.e. Virus Scanners, Firewalls, or any other program running in the System Tray.
If you know your way around the 'Windows Task Manager' you should also close all running Applications and Processes in the Task Manager too.
Then after having done all that, "pray real hard" and click install.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 09-20-2004).]