#211211 - 10/25/04 05:53 PM
For Grubba99
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
I wanted to start this in a new thread so it could be separate from the rest of the "diversion" that seems to be taking over the original post.
When Grubba99 asked about the gigging opportunites, I first thought he was running down the world of the performer. Then I RE read it and I wasn't sure .... THAT'S why I stated the "assumption". I didn't want to take his question the wrong way.
There is so much unrest on this forum as soon as 4tracker chimes in. I don't understand why he's so negitive, but I try to answer in a helpful way anytime I can. After REreading my answer ..... I won't change a thing. If he doesn't "get it", then he never will.
As for all the references to MY words here .... thanx to all of you who support my advice. I only want to help. Truly. This is no ego boost. I get no money or endorsements. I have nothing to gain by giving advice, and only sleep to loose by visiting so often.
My participation in this forum has become second nature, and I really miss it when it's gone for a while, or I'm too busy to check in. Anyone that really thinks that I have an alternate agenda here ..... needs to get a hobby. I only criticize behavior, not people. (I hate the war, not the warrior.) I LOVE learning, and sharing and making beautiful, creative statements in music and art.
This world is so full of unrest, and untrust ... we need MUSIC to make sense of it all. So, stop acting like the political candidates and put an end to the mudslinging please !!?!?!?!?
We want HARD truths here. We want participation. We want civility. We want honesty. We want happy. At least I do.
So, Ender4tracker ......... are you gonna play nice, or just keep talking to hear yourself talk? I for one, don't care if you stay or leave, but if you DO stay .... please try to be a little more civil. There just may be something we can learn from you that's useful.
No longer monitoring this forum. Please visit www.daveboydmusic.com for contact info
#211218 - 10/26/04 04:25 AM
Re: For Grubba99
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
UD Eventhough I am not as well known on this forum as the Technics forum,I come here everyday to learn from you all. Sometimes I have a question,and generally it is you that takes your time to answer it. THANK YOU
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#211223 - 10/26/04 09:15 AM
Re: For Grubba99
Senior Member
Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 2206
Loc: Louisiana, USA
I've never ever been offended by Uncle Dave's posts. I don't know much, he's always helpful. I don't know why he would be perceived as anything other than helpful. Cheers to Uncle Dave. I wish I could sing like him too.
There are many people on here who are very helpful.
Without questions from idiots like me, there is no forum. Well, a stale one, maybe but not a dynamic one.
I have been online for many years. Once you've composed thousands of posts on forums, you figure out... many people are just flat out rude. And I'm the type, you diss me, I'm gonna come and say Screw you buddy. The internet allows people to be very bold. If they were sitting on a barstool, talking to people like many people talk on forums, there would be a lot of people on their ass.
~ ~ ~ Bill