Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Mike your problem sounds like you are using the wrong driver..Use Direct drivers and not an Emulator.. You should be able to set the latency to about 15ms..When B4 is set up properly it works without any concern of failures..Fran
I tried using the Direct drivers but still got the same results.
I'm thinking my SB Live! sound card is most likely the culprit. I use it to run B4. My Delta 44 PCI card doesn't have Midi Output ports. And the SB Live! is not really a Professional quality sound card. It doesn't have Asio driver support and it has a rather high latency rate.
My next Professional sound card will need to have Midi integration and compatibility.
I guess I should start saving now to get one.

I'll have to start checking again what's new in the way of professional quality sound cards. I haven't checked in quite a while. Something around the $700-$800 range.
Best regards,