I wasn't going to respond to all this nonsense, but I feel a need to make a statement, since this is totally blown out of proportion..
Many people have come to the support of the "hurt" people without even knowing what has corresponded..
For those that need to know. here is the story in a nutschell..
Over the last several months, Roel has been irritated by something, and has been posting little "digs" in his comments[using smiles to make it okay]..I asked him at one time ,,what was wrong[received no response], in one of my response post..
People let little things fester to a point that it becomes bigger than they are...
Then came the discussion of alternative ways of making music...on one train of thought the use of arranger mode and the other thought of SMF's..Both are fine ways of performing and there was no dis agreement from me on this..
Statements were than made "How SMF people can't be considered to be a musician as an arranger player is...
I took time to explain my view that a Musician can use SMF's , playing over top and resulting in a great performance, giving detail comparable to arranger playing..
Roel continued his arrogance with his sly remarks, referring , that people listen in to my webpage ,and the proof is there [I don't recall his exact wording]...At one point I told Roel and Scott , that if you sling mud..mud can be slinged back to you , and said I would not do this "now",,and I have not..
I chose to ignore the whole thing...
Then the grandstanding farewell started..which is fine..
Everyone started to feel sorry that some "OLD members" really picked on Roel to a point were he had to go....
Reading his view of the matter, others jumped on the bandwagon , thinking a wrong must have really been done[there was not]..,
These people also posted derogative remarks, some removed their comments when they had a better account of the matter...
May be Nigel would put all the post back up and the people here can see the truth of the matter..
Now it has escalated ..because Nigel is trying to reduce damage and let this nonsense end ..he has chose to remove the continued flaming of the "chosen few",..
I might add that the chosen few have not responded in respect of SZ's well being...
Now people[some I have considered friends] are jumping on Nigel, for doing the right thing....asking to remove them from SZ...
Hey guys's it's easy, and Nigel doesn't have to remove you...We all can stop posting if we wish....It is our choice.
Roel and any others, you don't have to leave..Simply ignore post you have no interest in or want no part..
It's the way it has always been..
This matter is over for me..People can draw their own conclusions..My friends will still be my friends, and I will respect those that are respectful...
Move on....
BTW, I have an email address listed..No one other than Nigel has contacted me...If I have a problem with someone I discuss it with privately..You fellas that do not list email addresses, it makes it harder to talk privately....My guess some folks just like to do it the hard way,,,and post..
If you guys stick around ...fine .There is no reason for anyone to go...Fran