First, I echo the earlier sentiments about the importance of participating in the voting process. I voted this morning with no trouble whatsoever at my local firehouse.
Secondly, and I apologise if Nigel or anyone else finds this inappropriate, but I'd like to share some thoughts on today's vote. These comments aren't geared toward the candidates people voted for, but rather the process we're now entrenched with. I'll wager my next two months earnings I'm not alone in these thoughts, either...
I am a registered Republican, who often votes off ticket. I try to be informed about the issues and the candidates. I have two college degrees and used to work in the news media in the early-mid 80's in a top 20 market. I'd like to think I'm not overly unusual or exceptional, but rather fairly mainstream in my views.
I have become very disenchanted with the disinformation and flat-out lies that I hear and read from ALL sides. Be it broadcast channels, cable TV news channels, radio/print/cyber media, it is, IMO, almost impossible to find a source of unbalanced information from a source that doesn't seem to have an agenda in place.
I spend several hours a week in my car driving to and from gigs, (as many of you do...) Most of the radio talk stations in the Dayton/Cincy metro area are all Right Wing/Republican based. To listen to them, the Kerry/Edwards ticket has NO redeeming qualities, they both should be run out of the country ASAP. They are demeaned, ridiculed, and slandered by a variety of hosts who have established this mentality that is based on full allegiance to the Bush/RW side. If someone questions...even parts of the platform...their patriotism, intelligence and ethics are quickly brought into question.
Make no mistake, tune into "Air America" for a few hours as I have done over the last several weeks...and Its just as absurd on that side as well.
Intellectually, I understand the proliferation of 24 hours news cycles and the impossible task of producing enough quality content. Shows don't need (maybe don't want?) quality debate and balanced input to secure high ratings and therefore good Ad dollars. Rather, loud, crass, smart-ass back & forth banter seems to be an easier product to sell. So perhaps we are just getting what we've asked for implicity from our viewing and consumer habits.
How can this be fixed? The problem is complex
to be sure. Everything from media revenue models, hiring sub-standard talent throughout the media, to the candidates themselves for playing to the lowest common denominators, etc...It all adds up to our current condition.
Of course, we all have opinions about Iraq, Terrorism, domestic issues and will likely align oursleves with the candidates we feel most resonates with our viewpoint.
Isn't it ironic, that in spite of having more media outlets and potential information at our fingertips than ever before in our history, we've not found enlightenment, but rather agendas and as much dis-information as anything worthwhile?
I certainly don't see this getting turned around anytime soon, either...
Thanks for reading,
Bill in Dayton
[This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 11-02-2004).]
Bill in Dayton