Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Hey Dave we can go and check it out...after we do that , you can insult him with our type of offers and he will throw us out...Grab dinner on the way back..
Do it UD! Go check that puppy out. If he's willing to take your offer I'd scoop it up in a heart beat. Make sure it takes 110 Volts. PS: I think I heard that even if it is from Europe Korg made it to "auto" accomodate 110 Volts as well but don't quote me on that. Plug 'n Play at its best, maybe.
Psst! UD and Fran; you guys might want to take some other people with you, ie., (body guards) just in case. Either that or pack some 'heat'.

You can't be too careful, especially in Yonkers.

Also, make sure you demo it thoroughly. Run it through its paces before you decide yea or nay. You may want to stay over in a hotel and go back the next day to demo it some more. You never know - he or 'she' might accept your "low" offer. Say maybe $2,495. That would be 1 Grand off the retail price right there. If you feel bold (and he or she is "well off" anyway) low ball it at, let's say, $2,000 Cash and carry. All's he or she can say is no.

I hope I didn't write this too late. You guys could already be on your way there seeing it's almost 6:00 PM on the East Coast now. In fact you may already have checked it out and eating that Steak dinner right now!
Bon Appetite! And if all goes well "Welcome to the Korg Pa1X PRO Owners Club"!
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 11-29-2003).]