Originally posted by Fran Carango:
I have to keep in mind that the EXR5 is $800 list...What may be different in my review, I try to push the limits to find what it can't do and how to get the most out of the board...
Hi Fran, nice to 'meet' you, heard a lot about you

- In my case, the decision to buy the EXR-5 was even easier. I bought the EM-25 two years ago, and made a good deal with my dealer trading it in. The EXR-5 costs only € 599,- here, so...

What made me decide I "hadtogetmewannathese!" was the demo of the board I downloaded from a Danish site. Compared to the sounds in the EM-25, this thing had a lot more to offer. And since I use my boards as soundmodules rather than using the arrangerfunctions that much, sounds are very important to me.
The EXR-5 is hooked up with Cubase SX here, and -if- I ever use styles, it's to quickly record that rough sketch of that Great Tophit that I have in my head

After that, I replace every track using Cubase, playing all parts myself (and adding analogue guitars and vocals later)
And for that price... I really couldn't resist