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#213240 - 10/01/07 06:38 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Tony Rome Offline

Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Originally posted by ChicoBrasil:
Reading this post from Tony Rome I think that it's time to came back to SZ home.
Cheers for ALL my friends here.

CHEERS and Bravo Chico......welcome home, I've missed you and your music...Hope you're feeling better.....

#213241 - 10/01/07 06:53 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Scottyee Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by ChicoBrasil:
Reading this post from Tony Rome I think that it's time to came back to SZ home.

Hi Chico. Wow . . . what a terrific homecoming this is today to see you back, and also to see SZ vetrans DonM & Gary back posting here again more often as well.

I'm feeling more optimistic than ever now, that our Synthzone Gen Arranger forum will finally return as a truly supportive place where members share & support one another in what we ALL have in common: arranger keyboards and arranger keyboard produced music, irregardless of brand, make, model, or level of music and/or arranger expertise. Keeping my fingers crossed.


#213242 - 10/01/07 07:04 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Tony Rome Offline

Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
Mmmmm, tonight I made a grilled chicken, walnut, & apple salad. I enjoy eating it at my desk where I partake of Nigel's "haven for the musical minds" !
I don't care how anyone else does their forum - this place is home for me. Show a little respect, contribute and enjoy.
There is absolutely nthing wrong with the forum or the moderation. There are momentary lapses of judgement, but hey - that's life. Let's minimise the lapses and move on.

Dave....Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your salad....sounded like a good one, maybe if I ate more of those I wouldn't be so heavy.
I agree with you when you say we should show
respect, contribute and enjoy and also that there are lapses in judgement and that's also a part of life, however, we should all
learn from those "momentary lapses in judgement" that appear to have been all to frequent of late. Dave, not to prolong this
discussion, I value your posts, your music
and your knowledge and I think that you will have to agree that the disrespect and verbal abuse has escalated over the past few
months and has disrupted the forum. As good as the forum is, it can and should be better while exercising decorum from it's membership. I'm glad that you feel that this forum is like your home, mine also, hopefully, you will help to preserve the peace in our home. Now I'm going to try one of those salads you built. Thanks for your input. Peace

#213243 - 10/01/07 07:12 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Originally posted by ChicoBrasil:
Reading this post from Tony Rome I think that it's time to came back to SZ home.
Cheers for ALL my friends here.

Welcome back Chico it really is great to see you posting again.


#213244 - 10/01/07 07:21 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Tony Rome Offline

Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Originally posted by captain Russ:
It still amaises me how little it takes for some people to show their A**! When there is a bad post of member music here, I assume one of a few senarios is happening:

1. The player is so moderately skilled, he/she isn't aware of the level of incompetence.

2. Individual ego is driving written comments (bragging) and mediocre performances. It's a self-centered attention issue, not a music issue.

Either way, I have a really good chuckle and wish the person doing the posting well. Members with experience and talent know the score. Negative comments are really not necessary for me. The poster may not have enough ability to even understand constructive criticism. And, if we're dealing with a marginal performance by a good person really trying to learn, the obvious thing to do is encourage.

Thanks, Tony, for a well reasoned approach to
understanding some really childish behavior.

And, as always, thanks goes to Nigel for the unselfish way he keept this thing going.


Russ....always a pleasure hearing for you...
thanks for your participation on this subject....We are all human and as such, we are all subject to the frails of being human. The good thing is that as humans, we
have the capacity to know right from wrong
and to own up to our errors and learn from them, when we ignore them and don't learn,
we move down the ladder of humanity. Insults and disrespect to each other do not
benefit any one but cause to promote more insults and disrespect, this behaviour is detrimental to the existence of the forum.
I agree with your take on the negative post
discouraging others to stay from posting
Remembering that we all started some where at a lesser level of competence and should
temper our criticism accordingly. Thanks again Russ, peace.

#213245 - 10/01/07 07:30 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Tony Rome Offline

Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Originally posted by Diki:
I'm afraid I've got to stand by my earlier comments...

For this forum to have any value, especially to visitors and new members, that may be inexperienced enough to actually take some of the posted demos seriously, it is our obligation to at least call a poor demo from a self-appointed 'expert' for what it is. Otherwise, WE start to look like idiots that can't recognize sh!t from shinola

I'm not really talking about the day-to-day things that get posted by most of the members, most of which A) are fine and B) are posted with a genuine desire to hear what other members think (good or bad, as long as it's constructive), but when a member takes on that mantle of 'expertise', or is VERY vocal in criticism either of others' works, or others' equipment, then their posted demos and advice should be up to the scrutiny and criticism that they give others...

The thought that, when we actually DO have a forum where amateurs, beginners AND professionals all hang out together (mostly civilly!), someone can post anything they feel like, claim they are some kind of professional 'expert', and none of us will say anything just doesn't sit right with me. We don't have to be vitriolic about it, but SOMETHING needs to be said....

Diki... Man you are on the money with this one, I agree, let's all be civil with or comments weather they be good or bad...there is a way to critique a demo or song posted by a member looking for honest
feedback and this should be foremost in the mind of the person critiquing the music post. Just be honest and fair while being civil....Thank you for your participation.

#213246 - 10/01/07 07:39 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Originally posted by ChicoBrasil:
Reading this post from Tony Rome I think that it's time to came back to SZ home.
Cheers for ALL my friends here.

Chico.. SO good to hear from you ... I hope you are well ....
t. cool

#213247 - 10/01/07 10:51 PM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Originally posted by Diki:
The thought that, when we actually DO have a forum where amateurs, beginners AND professionals all hang out together (mostly civilly!), someone can post anything they feel like, claim they are some kind of professional 'expert', and none of us will say anything just doesn't sit right with me. We don't have to be vitriolic about it, but SOMETHING needs to be said....

Sure Diki I agree. But the criticism needs to be given in a manner that indicates the critic also has a clue about what they are talking about. To simply say something is "bad" means nothing at all and shows no musical understanding. They could talk about keyboard performance and vocal tone, pitch and phrasing etc. Then that would actually show some thought and musical insight and actually could provide constructive feedback to the performer. Plus it may then not come across as seeming like a personal attack.

#213248 - 10/02/07 05:10 AM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
cgiles Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
In all fairness, these negative critiques that sound like personal attacks don't happen to everybody; usually, only to those that have themselves committed the same offense. I think this is much more about a personality that a musical performance. "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword". It's been that way for a long time and is likely to stay that way.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

#213249 - 10/02/07 05:16 AM Re: My Take On The Bickering On The Forum.......
Happy Birthday Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
...there's NO place like home
.......there's No place like home
..........There's NO place like home ......
Welcome home Chico !
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