Want some honest feedback on your performing skills? Try this.
I just bought a new HighDef camcorder (Canon XH-A1) and decided to try it out by recording myself in my studio. Here is what it revealed:
1. I look really old for my age.
2. I never heard all those glitch notes while I was playing.
3. I was able to reaffirm my decision not to ever try to sing in public.
4. If you're planning to shoot video of yourself, don't buy a HiDef camera. You'll look bad enough in Standard Definition.
5. Practice the tune before you hit 'Record'.
Seriously though, if you're actively gigging and haven't seen yourself in performance recently, this could be a great way to do an honest self-assessment as well as kicking some bad habits that you may not be aware of (or that no one will tell you about). Try it. BTW, band practice doesn't count (as much). This will be most helpful for OMBs.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]