Thanks Shakil for the Rundown on the Effects section (and the PSR2000).
Well, I always had plan "B" if this PA80 and the effects didn't work out, and that was for a "Triton"-sounding keyboard anyway. I don't need a Sampler on a keyboard, but just top quality sounds, with lush strings, pads and the like, so would a Korg "KARMA" fit the bill for this (always wanted one of these since seeing Kay�s Video demo).
I understand it is Identical in everyway (sound wise) to the Triton. Is this so Shakil? Because it is *much* less money than the Triton, and since I just need the Triton sounds, then I assume the Karma is a Triton without a sampler (and other things like Arpeggiater etc). You see, on Harmony Central Reviews, you hear people say the "Karma lacks a little in sounds etc", but similar reviewers praises the Triton!. If the Sound is the same as the Triton (samples and all), then a good or bad sound will be EXACTLY the same on the Karma?
Anyway, I like the fact that the Tritons/Karmas can have 7 effects,(5IFX, 2 Master), and I am assuming you CAN apply reverb to all of the inserts on the Karma/Triton (the Master effects would be reverb I would say, applying these to the 5 Inserts, and adjusting the Levels of reverb, at least I hope you can adjust the level of reverb on each sound/Insert, or it would sound very Wet - on all sounds that is...). You say Shakil of the Triton: Quote:
You don't get send level from each track. For example if you patch track 1 and track4 to IFX1, which is delay.. Both tracks will be processed in equal amounts.
You will be able to adjust the reverbs though I assume? (Which would be used from master it seems) Like: Flange, Phase, Rotary, Distortion, Delay, Being the Inserts (5), and Chorus/Reverb Being the Master. I think that�s it now. If this is Possible, I will have a Karma (or "Possibly" a Triton Rack, which has more expansion slots, but the un-wanted sampler (Oh well � could be useful!)
[This message has been edited by Nimrod (edited 11-25-2001).]
Oh No, I've got a virus on my Computer:(....Ahhh! - its Windows ME!