Hello dear Forumler,
here few information from the house a YAMAHA: 2001 no successor for PSR-9000 of the successors of the PSR-9000 (name yet does not admit) will not appear before autumn 2002. On first information to the successor we count to the music fair 2002 in March. New operating system in the start holes the long desired operating system for PSR-9000 and 9000 pro is located in the start holes. The 2. Beta version arrived today here and is running on our test machines. After a test phase we expect shortly the release from Japan and place the data then immediately in the network.
List of the new functions: (no requirement on completeness, Ang. source YAMAHA Corp. Japan, without guarantee) Function [ catching ring ] - stop Accompaniment this function enables a playing of chords with stopped Begleitautomatik. Function [ catching ring ] - Full key board mode the chord recognition in the Full Keyboard mode was modified. Function [ catching ring ] four new types of play with PSR-9000 and 5 with 9000 pro were added. Function [ Split POINT ] the Splitpunkt can be adjusted for the company and the Left part independently. Additionally the Splitpunkt for the part Right3 is added. Function [ utility ] - hp Sleep time fixed disks - sleep time is adjustable. Function [ panel CONTROLLER ] - panel Sustain the Sustain rate for the Sustain switch on the control panel is adjustable. Registration MEMORY - disk Direct Style a Style on a data carriering can be stored in the Registration MEMORY. Song Player - chain Play Song chain Play (Song chains) was added. Song Player - NEXT Song reservation the following Song can be selected, while the current Song plays. The following Song begins automatically, if the current Song is terminated. Style Creator of the Style Creator can open files of the data carriering. Style manager Preset Styles can become secured direct on a data carriering. Custom Voice of the Custom Voice memory was extended on 30kByte. Function [ utility ] - parameter LOCK catching ring mode was added the parameter LOCK list. Function [ Foot CONTROLLER ] - Sustain mode of the Sustain mode (default / Hold) was added in the PSR-9000.
Here is the originals text of Yamaha Germany
http://www.yamaha.de/ubb/Forum1/HTML/004180.html Greeting 9000 Robby