I'm pretty much over the hump on that learning curve. Almost all of my equipment is always for sale. I'll never pass up an opportunity to go better, newer, smaller if the "price is right." So far I've been able to keep up with the new technology without losing my shirt. Shrewd trades and good buys come about when you are patient and do your homework. I really am thinking of keeping that battleship after all, unless...
And the thread was about - the Roland CM-30 Cube monitor amp. I can't wait until I use it on the job next weekend. I tried it in the store and it blew me away. I can foresee using my NanoVerb with it. Yeah!
And speaking of shrewd trades and good buys - I think Fran got an exceptional buy on that Roland V-Stand I sold. Thinking back, I could have asked for more or maybe even kept it, but it helped pay the final balance on the G, so everyone's happy
[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 10-05-2007).]