I don't like to...and most often won't. But there are exceptions. I might do it a repeat of a song I did in the first set later in the night during the 3rd or 4th set - but only if requested...and usually by someone who wasn't there when I did it the first time.
If it is a private party and the Host, (who is paying me) asks me to do it....you betcha...I do it.
Typically though, I don't do repeats.
$$$$ TALKS
Years ago I was playing in a marina-resort bar and there was a fella that had plenty to drink. He asked if I knew Tennessee Waltz. I said yes...and he handed me $20. About a half hour later he lays another $20 on the keyboard and asked for Tennessee Waltz. He got it. A while later, another $20 and another Tennessee Waltz. So far, $60 and counting for the repeat.
At the end of the night, before going into my goodnight routine...I asked if anyone wanted to hear the Tennessee Waltz again, and looked over his way. He was face down on the bar
