Yes Arbaz, it is possible to change styles in real time record mode. The sequencers are a bit different in the 2000 than the PA80. There is only a patterm seq and a song seq, but the song seq in the 2000 has the functionality of both the backing and song seq combined in the PA80. The resolution is much higher in the 2000...1920 ppq vs 384 for the PA80. It is possible to record from any measure you'd like. I haven't tried turning off and then turning a part back on yet, but I believe that will work as well. Heck, if I remember right I could even do that on the PSR530. You can also record multitrack from an external source, and any combination of as few or as many tracks as you like in multitrack mode on the 2k. In general I like the sequencer better on the 2k than the PA80, although the PA80s should improve when OS3 comes out. I still prefer more of the sounds on the PA80 though.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 11-21-2001).]