#216812 - 07/05/07 09:15 AM
Re: " The Sampling ( copyed) fighting BAR"
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Not one single comment about my analogy of the pirated performance of YOUR work (playing an arranger in front of a PAYING crowd) Little harder to defend when it's either yourself, or a friend, who would ACTUALLY suffers from it.... Some of you spend FAR more time attacking my TONE, rather than the content of my posts. Maybe I should turn off my inline spell checker, forget about grammar, and write as if I were talking..? Somehow, magically, you don't seem to have a problem when the law IS spelled out and beyond a doubt. A man breaks into YOUR house, and takes your arranger... it's theft, isn't it? A man breaks into your place of work, and steals the tools you work with, it's theft, isn't it? A man rips your hit CD, and posts those tunes for anyone to get for free, that's theft, isn't it? (copyright infringement is a form of theft of intellectual property - YOU wrote those songs, YOU payed tens of thousands to have them recorded, YOU spent millions pressing them, getting distribution, and promoting them). This is no different. Somebody just broke into a T2, and stole Yamaha's intellectual property. And though the law may lag a little the technology to commit the crime, the INTENT of the law is already clear... You are not supposed to sample a keyboard's ROM sounds or presets (not just SUPPOSED, it IS illegal). You are supposed to make it unique and your OWN work (distinguishable from the factory sounds) before it is legitimate. Saying that it is not a PERFECT copy of a T2 makes it OK is absurd. MP3's are not a PERFECT copy of a CD, yet publicly posting MP3's of a copyrighted work is still illegal. This is all so childish. A kid you know just broke into the candy store, stole everything, and now he is handing out lollipops. And most of you don't see anything wrong with it... 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#216813 - 07/05/07 09:35 AM
Re: " The Sampling ( copyed) fighting BAR"
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by cgiles: It is incredibly arrogant to think that on a board of seemingly intelligent, mature, and life-experienced individuals, that no one "GETS IT" I don't know, chas. I am right now reading the posts of those very people (that think this is OK). What part of 'getting it' have they got? (And I DID apologize for my no-one' comment. I should have said 'virtually no-one'. Happy now? Am I less arrogant?) The folk that post that this is wrong 'get it'. And, IMO, the people that don't, DON'T. There really isn't much grey area here. Either theft of intellectual property is wrong, or it isn't. The law seems firmly on the side of it being wrong, but slow, as always, to respond to rapid changes of technology. And anyone here that DOES have any intellectual property, when faced with it's theft will tell you it's wrong. What kind of empathy are we showing to those? 'As long as I can get away with it (even for a short time) it's OK'??
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#216817 - 07/05/07 09:40 PM
Re: " The Sampling ( copyed) fighting BAR"
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by Diki: Technically, Taike, yes, you are supposed to get permission for ANY 'posting' of a copyrighted tune, but in practice, it only becomes a problem if it generates income, or the artist or copyright holder doesn't WANT you to post it (for whatever reason they see fit). They, as copyright holder, have certain rights, but because of the nature of the internet, unless there is a profit motive, or it does damage in some way to the copyright holder, it is seldom enforced. What part of this wasn't clear...? My posting of these tunes generated NO income, and barely damaged anything (other than my vocal chords!). However, my duo DOES have a CD for sale of us playing live, we sell it on the gig. Each and every tune on that CD is cleared with the copyright holders, and we pay a fee to the rights societies for the use of those tunes.... That is the law.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!