Originally posted by to the genesys:
. By playing arrangers, we are intentionally cutting out lots of other persons from working. Why because we want to make more money. Instead of playing in a band with other instrumentalist, we use and arranger that has samples of those instruments, technology that causes those instruments to play by themselves by us pressing a chords (styles)
We are not cutting out other people from working unless we are going into a place that has bands and saying: hey
why pay all those guys when I can make the same music
for the price of one. in my experience that is not what is
happening, and if a place hires an omb to replace a band,
that means the band had little impact, because no way
an omb will have the same kind of impact or be as strong
an attraction as a good band would. It's just that today's
economics and musical tastes increasingly preclude the hiring of bands as a viable option, so the deejay, the
kjay, the omb have filled the gap. we are able to work
as live entertainers because we are economic for smaller
venues and events. what does amaze me, however, is the
number of you that say they work as omb's to 100-250
people. I don't really understand that at all, unless the
venue or sponsor finds the omb, for some reason musically preferable to a band. But we can hardly blame
the practioner of what technology has provided for the
fallout that comes from technological advance. A couple
of years ago i hired a pianist to work duo with me on a
gig..i played sax , sang, and used my kb for vibes solos..
i hit the bossa rhythm bass/drum backing on one tune
and the pianist got up in a huff and said.." i know too many good drummers out of work for me to consent to
play with a machine" I thought he was misguided. Do You?
Miami Mo