Bill, TonyR, Pose, José, Chico, Stephen, TonyW, Terry, Mike, and Bebop: Thanks for not only listening, but for taking time to reply as well.
"Maybr jack up the organ volume a tad in spots . . . Bill"
"I keep hoping you would turn the guitar loose though......Pose"
are well taken, but because I recorded this as a one shot 2 track stereo wav file, it won't be possible to make editing changes. After re-listening to the recording, I also noticed that my vocals are a little distorted in a couple of places as well, so realize I have things to learn about how to set & tweak the T2's audio rec settings.
"Torch type song good show....time to do more.... TonyR"
Tony, yep, got more torch songs up my sleeve. Hey, any excuse to reveal one's foolish heart.
"You really like these organ sounds in the T2! -- José."
"I liked the awesome organ voice. . . . Chico"
Yep. In addition to really enjoying the T2's new Super Articulation ORGAN sounds, perhaps I still feel 'most comfortable' playing keyboard type sounds, at least until I've learned to master the other SA instruments better.
"First time I heard this tune it was done as a duo by BB King and Diane Schurr ever since it's been a favorite. P.S. I got an MPP on the way, the Mrs. tells me I have to wait until December 25th for it . . . Stephen"
Stephen. Cool. Would love to checkout the BBKing/Diane Shurr rendition. You by any chance have a link to the specific CD their rendition is on? Also, Congratulations on getting a MPP. What a wonderful Xmas gift to receive from your wife.
"This is definitely going on my saved songs cd! . . . TonyW"
Tony: It's GREAT to see you (finally) back here on SZ. Really missed your presence, especially your wonderful keen sense of wit. I'm both touched and honored that you like my new song, but as I mentioned earlier, this is not my proudest song recording, at least vocally (rough around the edges). It was intended more as a quick rough demo.
"Great rendition. It's only going to get better when your vocal chops are back 100% . . . Terry"
Terry, it's great to see you back here on SZ as well, and sharing our Tyros2 connection as well. Yes, after listening to my latest recording, I realized I wasn't quite ready yet to be recording vocals, but because I just purchased a new mic yesterday (Sennheiser e935, of which I'm super elated over), I was perhaps overly anxious to begin recording with it right away. I hope to be in better voice (with luck) in a few more days and will attempt to record a new song, with vocals, then.
"the best part for me had to be your presentation. You sold it and I'm buying it! . . Mike"
Mike: Wow, above everything else, the bottom line to a song's success is whether you're able to 'sell the message' of the song (believe-ability), so your compliment is especially appreciated. Thanks.
"This is one fine job on this fine tune and We think it is the one of the best things we have heard you do. . . . Bebop"
Bebop, coming from a seasoned pro country/blues genre keyboard player as you, this means a lot to me to hear this from you. Thanks to Jann & Rocky for listening too. I trust you too are having lots of fun with your T2, and looking forward to hearing something on the Tyros2 from you soon as well.
Thanks again to all for listening.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 11-18-2005).]