Scotty,something to take to Yamaha the next time you meet with them,regarding the Tyros 3...
I have read many,MANY times about peoples displeasure with the fact that both Tyros had only 61 keys. But,this didn't automatically mean that folks would prefer an 88 key version,as that would turn it into a musical surfboard,so to speak.
Some people have been clamoring for 76 keys: But,to me(and not *just* me,I assure you)76 keys have never had any sort of a sense of style,visually speaking-It always looks like a keybed that was just "plopped-down" with out any regard.
This is what I would propose for the Tyros 3: 21&w=430&sz=23&tbnid=Rj40esWTV8TjEM:&tbnh=34&tbnw=123&hl=en&start=6&prev=/images%3Fq%3DWK-1350%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
A 6 octave C to C,73 note keybed.Very neat in appearance(like the 61 key) but now you have 12 more keys(and not 27 more for an 88)
Portability factor remains good and you would be surprised at how much a 73 almost "feels" like an 88,in terms of "space".
What do you think?