#218381 - 03/20/06 12:43 PM
Re: Now That Tyros 2 is just about "Old News" ...What do you think is NEXT?
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
Not necessarily - I am still enjoying my 8-year-old Roland G1000. I foresee that in the future I will have to replace it (because every piece of equipment has a certain useful life). Regrettably, there is nothing on the market to day which would be a definite improvement over my G1000. Sure, all the new instruments have some or other nice features, which are better than the G1000, but I am afraid that if I were to replace my keyboard today, I would be taking a step back in several areas.
I am sure there are others in the same boat as I am. Given that we have voiced our concerns for years and yet none of the manufacturers have addressed them all, I know that we the users do not voice their concerns, they will not be addressed altogether.
If you are 100% satisfied with the instrument you have now, more power to you. Please indicate this in your posts, and your opinions will be swiftly ignored - you would not be a customer for another instrument if you are completely satisfied already. It's the people who are not fully satisfied that drive the markets, and spend the money for new instruments, which is why IMHO voicing your dissatisfaction in a constructive manner (e.g. suggesting improvements) is a good thing.
Regards, Alex
Regards, Alex
#218382 - 03/20/06 12:54 PM
Re: Now That Tyros 2 is just about "Old News" ...What do you think is NEXT?
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
Originally posted by casiobot: A 6 octave C to C,73 note keybed.Very neat in appearance(like the 61 key) but now you have 12 more keys(and not 27 more for an 88) Portability factor remains good and you would be surprised at how much a 73 almost "feels" like an 88,in terms of "space".
What do you think?
I would prefer a 73 key instrument much rather than a 61 key one. The pity is that Tyros 1 or 2 can easily accommodate the extra keys just by getting rid of the "cupholder" on the right of the keyboard. The weight of the instrument would not change, and most of the same case components could be reused. Other than that, I think T2 is a pretty complete instrument, though I'd like to have MP3 playback from the HD, and more polyphony - with Yamaha's propensity to use 4 notes of polyphony per note played, when using their better voices, the 128 is not so much. Also, a better, sunlight readable display would be great.
Regards, Alex
#218384 - 03/20/06 05:15 PM
Re: Now That Tyros 2 is just about "Old News" ...What do you think is NEXT?
Registered: 09/30/04
Posts: 519
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Dreamer: Yes! It's called Gear Acquisition Syndrome... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Taike: and can't be cured... ------------------ Try a little Beano for that G.A.S. Fran and Alex, I'm with you. We use what we have if its working for us. I do get excited about new stuff ALL! the time, looking for something 'new' in a product that I just gotta have and can't do without... Then I realize that what I am currently doing (musically) is being satisfied by what I already have. Although, I was satisfied at one time with my Casios, UNTIL I tried the PSR3000. Oh well, get the bottle of Beano out ... I've got it too. G.A.S.  [This message has been edited by MrEd (edited 03-20-2006).]
#218389 - 03/21/06 06:29 AM
Re: Now That Tyros 2 is just about "Old News" ...What do you think is NEXT?
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
Fran and Mr. Ed,
I am not saying that the G1000 is perfect - in fact, you will find my posts listing numerous complaints and suggestions for improvements for it. It's just that despite reading all of our suggestions and requests, no manufacturer has come up with an instrument which would compel me to justify upgrading.
Jim (Esh) - I am glad that you are doing something about putting together a rig that suits your needs. When the keyboard makers see that they are losing customers to "homemade" (I don't mean that in a negative sense) rigs and software based systems, I am sure they will start paying more attention to our requests. My difficulty with taking this approach is that I need both the long keyboard and portability - hence my insistence on 76 keys. I found that using two keyboards in a rig significantly increases setup/breakdown times, and since I don't have time to arrive much before the gig, constraining myself to a single keyboard has many advantages. On the other hand, if I have to replace my rig, perhaps going with a laptop and the new CME keyboard (which will hopefully allow real-time control without using a mouse and the computer keyboard) will be a good option.
The text does not wrap because one of the earlier posts has an object - in this case a URL name (in Casiobot's post), in other cases a wide picture, that spans the width of the winodw and keeps it at this width.
REgards, Alex
Regards, Alex