If you wish to use the entire system and all speakers, plug a 1/8-inch, male, stereo plug into the side of the remote receiver where you see the musical notation. The other end of the cable must be a splitter that has a pair of 1/4-inch, male, mono, phono plugs which will plug directly into your keyboard, or into your mixer's stereo output channels.
Now set the small toggle switch to the upright position on the back of the remote receiver (6 Ch. Direct). Now go to the effects button on the front of the receiver and select Pro-Logic II Music. Set all satellite volumes to maximum and set the sub volume to approximately 25 percent of maximum.
The wireless remote control runs on batters, and they seem to last forever--just like those used with a TV sets remote control. The control is only activated when the bottoms are depressed, therefore it's off most of the time.
If you are just going to use this just as a sub, the only difference is you will not be hooking up the satellite speakers. However, I highly recommend hooking up the satellites and using the full system--you'll like what you hear.
Good Luck,
Travlin' Easy