#218494 - 10/11/04 04:44 PM
Hi Frank, did you get your TTS-1 Softsynth?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank I'm back on track. Finally received my Hypercanvas software. Now the fun begins tweaking my OMB styles to work with it. I'm not overly impressed with the piano sound, but I've got a couple of soundfont piano's that are fairly small ( only about 10mb's) and to me they sound better than the Hypercanvas one, and I'll incorporate them for the more piano dominated styles.
The Forte Ensemble really is an amazing piece of software. Hadn't realized I could mix n match the soft synths ie I have the Hypercanvas play midi channels 10,11,13,14 15 & 16 ( style parts), and have my soft synth play channel 12 ( which I'm going to set aside for piano style tracks).
Not only do I get to pick the sounds I want, but I'm also modifying styles to suit my needs ( with the help of OMB software).
You mentioned a while back something about Sonar software and the TTS-1 ( softsynth ). Just wondering if you got it , and what you think of it.
best wishes Rikki
[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 10-11-2004).]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#218500 - 10/12/04 09:30 PM
Re: Hi Frank, did you get your TTS-1 Softsynth?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank, what software are you planning to use for your tweaking etc ?
Basically why I decided to go for the Hypercanvas as my style basis rather than the fonts. The fact the the styles all will need a certain amount of tweaking etc . With the soundfonts the temptation for me is always there to keep upgrading individual sounds, which is great for main melody sounds, but could cause chaos within the styles, I could imagine I'd be forever tweaking them.
Beauty of the softsynth sound system for me is, there's no need for me to upgrade, or if I do, I can redo my styles slowly. Better still, I don't have to sell another piece of hardware if I do upgrade. Gone are the days when I had 5 or 6 sound modules midied together, now it all fits in my laptop and maybe one day a second harddrive.
Is your TTS-1 General Midi2 ?
I also like the Edirol Super Quartet. It only has piano's , guitars , bass & drums.
The Edirol Orchestral one interested me also, but I haven't managed to find a demo version of it.
I have a bit of a bizzare question for you. If I actually had an inexpensive psr keyboard to play the actual style, I midi it to my laptop, I assume I can use the laptop and a softsynth as a sound module? ie I used to midi my roland e86 to my roland u220 sound module. The e86 played the style, but u220 produced the sound.
What I'm getting at is, if the computers not actually playing the style but only acting as a sound module, would I still need a second hard drive for the bigger samplers like giga etc ie the computers memory is not being taxed by having to run omb/livestyler or a sequencer, it's only supplying the sound. Or doesn't it work that way?
best wishes Rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal: [B]However, it will require tweaking of the drums, drum channels, etc. to optomize the sound for Yamaha Styles.
I checked the installation folder and from as near as I can gather the size of the wavetable is 13.5 mb or about half that of Roland's HQ Hyper Canvas.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#218504 - 10/13/04 10:42 PM
Re: Hi Frank, did you get your TTS-1 Softsynth?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank, oh well, maybe one day I will get that 2nd drive. I thought it was worth asking the question, even though I think deepdown I knew the answer. For style tweaking , I've also used the ones you mentioned except for casm edit, must check that one out now that I've got a cakewalk sequencer. I thought maybe the TTS-1 may have only been gm, which may have meant the difference in between it and hypercanvas. As forgetting a dumb controller, I gave poor starkeeper a really long winded explanation on why http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/009093.html I won't put any poor members who might happen to read this thru it a second time ( haahaa) best wishes Rikki Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
Just give up on the PSRs, Korgs, Rolands and others. Just buy a dumb controller keyboard and start a new life - exciting - vibrant - creative - ever changing - anything else?[/B]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#218505 - 10/13/04 11:16 PM
Re: Hi Frank, did you get your TTS-1 Softsynth?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Frank, I think Fran may just be a tad more difficult to convince,
For me it's just a hobby that I've loved over the last 25 years. I've had more piano's, synths, sound modules, samplers , workstations & arrangers than I care to remember.
I like the software based idea because it's new & interesting.
Probably not for everyone, yet. haahaa
best wishes Rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal: [B]Rikki, now if you could only get Fran to change his ways.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022