Hey Leon, CFL is an A+ in my book. Doug Flutie is a great example of a former CFL player that made it big in the NFL. He's now with the Chargers {AFL} - as a back up but hey he's over 40 so I guess that's expected.

He was the starter when the Chargers first aquired him two years ago.
PS: Don't let the recall election get you down Leon. I imagine people all over the WORLD think that the folks here in California are a bunch of loose cannons.
It's really interesting that the next Governor of California could be a fella that can't even pronounce 'California' right. Hey Anold!!!! Vee Pump some Iron, Ya??? It should be required that every person running for Governor should be able to speak English fluently and proficiently so the people can at least understand WHAT THE HECK he's saying and not require English "subtitles" to his speeches and conversations to the public which I think he needs to accomodate for his lack of English language skills. He's been in the USA for over 30 years and for the life of me I don't understand why he still has that heavy Austrian accent. (No offense to our German friends on the Forum who LIVE in Germany). Hopefully he WON'T win the Governorship, because if he does, nobody will know when he's telling a lie or not because nobody will be able to understand what it is he's saying in the first place.

Forgive me if I sound a bit harsh on the man but IMHO there's no excuse for a person to live in the States for over 30 years and not be able to speak the language.

Best regards,