#220264 - 10/08/05 01:25 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 49
Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
Again, it is good to see some of you taking the software (or software & hardware) route for your arranger and performance systems. I am in deed becoming to frail to make much of a difference anymore and look forward to your leadership and advice.
Have a good musical journey.... Passing the torch, Frank? I don't post much (don't have much to say) but it was your tirelessly insightful comments (gleamed from evesdropping on your conversations with Rikki etc.) that introduced me to this whole software-based approach, and I've no regrets other than the fact that I'm (almost!) going to have to rob a Brinks truck to be able to afford everything on my wish list,  which now includes the Muse Receptor/Colossus package, Garritan's Jazz & Big Band, as well as a whole new rig built around 64 bit architecture and oodles of TBs of RAM... ...I too would be interested to know what the Bandstand costs, (NI stuff can be pricey) and hope they soon post some demo mp3s of the library, because the interface looks great, and could potentially really simplify things. Good luck with the flr2006. Looking forward to hearing how it works out. Please enjoy robust good health for many years to come, because you still da man! Thanks again, Frank, for placing so much sonic wisdom into the public domain. Michael PS: Can anyone recommend GM compatible banks that have very high quality sounds, just not quite 32 gigs worth? Been checking out stuff like this: http://www.manytone.com/mslink.html It's certainly an affordable VSTi set, and the guitars sound pretty good, but I'd rather focus on having great "bread & butter" sounds as opposed to all the techno-style ambient stuff.
#220267 - 10/08/05 02:50 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 03/18/00
Posts: 1008
First of all Quasar thanks very much for your kind comments. I have purchased Garritan's GPO and am looking at his Jazz & Big Band libraries. He certainly makes high quality virtual instruments....even GPO and Jazz & Big Band with the lower bite size (and more affordable) are amazingly high quality.
Now going with Muse Receptor, Colossus, Jazz & Big Band and others is definitely taking the cadillac of music for a drive. This will definitely sound amazing....especially if you also add effects of equal quality...wow!!! And yes this will cost some dollars but if you can afford it do it. There is nothing more exciting then high quality instruments to use in your performances.
I am not aware of any other GM modules. In fact I was not aware of the one that you just pointed out. Oh my....I can't keep up.
In addition, Garritan's libraries are designed to be fully load into memory so that calling up the instruments should be instantaneous. You can use disk streaming if you like...in the event you would like to use a very high quality piano at the same time as having these instruments on call. Esh, this might also work for your system.
Fran, I am really happy to see you using software synths. You will get use to it and never look back. The only thing is you might lose all your friends UD, DNJ, Travel'easy and so on. Then you will be left with only the echos of your mind. Especially, if you also trade in your G1000. Thanks for pointing out these synths. I was not aware of them....asleep at the switch....oh well.
In closing it looks to me that there are a number of new and innovative software/hardware based systems being developed:
Esh2006 Quasar2006 Fran2006 DNJ2006
It also seems like these systems may be orders of magnitude better (effective, efficient, flexible) than any of the new crop of arranger keyboards. Plus if you go for something less expensive it could cost less than such keyboards....it seems to me.
[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 10-08-2005).]
#220269 - 10/08/05 05:13 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hiya Frank, and there you had me thinking I'd save money by giving up buying keyboard after keyboard. Instead you keep whetting our appetite with all these wonderful software sound options. Now I'll have to get more memory for my laptop and an external hard drive ( haa haa ) Be great to hear how you go with this latest option. I've been having a bit of a break from music, ( though I do check the synthzone forum) Just noticed Jammer has brought out version 6. Apparently can now create styles more easily including from midifiles. Be interesting to see if they work with Jammer Live. It's the only thing I had against the program, not enough variety of styles. best wishes Rikki [QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal: [B]This could be the next enhancement to my software based arranger system. It could make it GM compatible (& flexible). I will certainly test it: http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=bandstand_us
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#220270 - 10/08/05 05:56 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
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Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
I think the auto midi to style creation is the only main difference I saw with Jammer from vers 5 to 6 Rikki, but I'm not sure whether or not I'll upgrade. I understand that version 4 was a 16 bit app and 5 was a 32 and had a lot of added functions over 4, but I really miss the interface, simplicity and creative spontaneity that was available in version 4. I was and still am a bit disappointed with that upgrade.
frank, you can add AJ-2006 to that list, as my system continues to grow and evolve, once again largely thanks to the info I get from people like you, Rikki, Esh, and others. I am still looking for a better GM solution as well, so I will continue to read with interest.
#220271 - 10/08/05 09:44 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Registered: 09/22/05
Posts: 256
Loc: Hilton Head, SC, USA
Here's something interesting if you use MP3 files for backing...
I got the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Laptop PCMCIA soundcard for my Acer Ferrari notebook computer. It has a nice clean sound and good specs, but what really was neat was that it came with several software programs including "Media Organizer". This media database program can playback MIDI, WAV and MP3 files, but it can also analyze the volume of your MP3 files and play them all back at relatively the same volume (handy!), and it has a real time control for adjusting file playback speed - so you can adjust the song tempo smoothly, live, without affecting the pitch, just like you can with a MIDI file!
I went from using Yamaha's defunct XG softsynth on my laptop to using MP3 files that I created by recording my MIDI files playing on my Yamaha 9000 Pro keyboard. The files sound very good and work great as backing when I play a client-supplied piano (I still use the 9000 Pro live when no piano is available). This tactic was meant as a stop-gap measure until I find the right GM softsynth, like Bandstand or similar, to play my MIDI files live and work with OMB as an interactive arranger on my laptop. Once I decide on an acoustic piano sample program for live use (NI's Akoustic Piano possibly) and get my CME UF8 controller (I'm selling my loaded Motif ES 8 later this month) then I plan to migrate from the 9000 Pro to using my "Esh2006" system fulltime.
#220275 - 10/09/05 03:05 AM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 418
Loc: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Some more ponderings on the future of Software Arrangers…
I always wondered why programs like Band in a Box does not include an enhancement to allow chord input on the fly. Of all the zillions of improvements and features added through its history, I would suppose an auto arranger feature like One Man Band should be on top of the list.
What if commercial sequencers like Sonar, Cubase, Logic and Digital Performer added auto accompaniment features. For example, a very simple way to read a Standard MIDI file, find the melody and drum track, automatically compute the chord progression by analyzing the remaining tracks, and create a Yamaha XF format file that can be played back through an XF aware arranger like the Tyros.
There are so many third party tools to manipulate, revoice, merge and edit Yamaha PSR styles. What if all these tools are integrated into Sonar including the recognition of XF meta data. What if a company lays down the standard for creating auto arranger styles parallel to the GM standard for voices. So a standard style format will have specific tracks for chord1, chord2, etc. This universal style format will make styles readily transportable between different vendors.
Now USB controller keyboards are springing up like mushrooms. It gives the user a convenient way to control softsynths. What if someone designed a lightweight 88 semi-weighted keyboard with poly aftertouch with all the start, stop, intro, variation, ending, fills, registration and assortment of essential control buttons, knobs and sliders found on high end arrangers and offered a simple PC editor to map these to a software arranger like One Man Band. In essence, I am dreaming of a USB hardware controller tailored for a software arranger.
Think of the possibilities and advantages. All you have to carry is a slim laptop and a lightweight dedicated controller. You would never have to upgrade your hardware. You can download all the new styles from the net. You can download all the new super soft synth voices from the net. All you chords, lyrics, staff notes and text notes will scroll on your 15” laptop screen.
Software synths have come a long way since there humble beginnings. To hear the state of the art of Software Synthesis, just audition the Korg OASYS. There is nothing in hardware that can touch the pristine quality of the OASYS combis and programs further enhanced by KARMA2 Generated Effects. The entire OASYS is based on a Pentium P4 running a barebones Linux OS that occupies less than 70MB.
So what is preventing a music company from creating a parallel OS to Windows XP which is tailored from grounds up to be a music machine. One would setup a dual boot laptop to run XP to perform regular tasks, while a special MusicOS boot would launch something similar to OASYS and then the sky is the limit to the amount of voices, styles, registrations, one touch settings, music finder databases, sequencing programs, style editors, voice editors, one can think of.
Whenever a new product is announced, all the user would need to do is update the OS. There would be no need to buy another $3000 piece of hardware. Wouldn’t this convenience greatly expand the music market? Think of how many people dream of getting something like the Tryos2 but have to settle for a PSR1500 or a EZ250i.
I think most of us have bought multiple arranger keyboards over the years. It is like starting all over just to enjoy a few extra set of features.
Today the technology is there is make a revolution through software. The combination of USB controllers with softsynths like Native Instruments have proved to be a runaway success.
It is only a matter of time when a similar wave will forever alter the hardware arranger market. Who would be the first to step up to the plate?
#220279 - 10/09/05 07:35 AM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 03/18/00
Posts: 1008
Tapas, your analysis of the evolving world of soft synths and arranger systems is right on the money. The advent of more powerful computers has made the improvements in sound quality and effects doable and affordable. This is also true for vocal harmonizers. Antares, the industry standard, has come out with a new set of software for this purpose including pitch. correction.
This evolution will continue into the future. For example NI has added the script feature to kontakt allowing you do all kinds of fancy things to your sound like adding harmonies, special effects and so on. It really is exciting. I note with interest people on this forum getting excited about their favorite arranger keyboard and so it should be. The software solution provides another alternative to the performing or studio musician....you just can't lose!!!
Talking about evolution....there was a company called Evolution before it was bought out by M-Audio. This company produced a software sequencer program called Sound Studio Pro which included an arranger module. I have it and it worked well. The problem was there were very few styles for it. Furthermore, Cubase in it's earlier incarnations had an arranger module. It to had few styles and little interest at the time. It seems that the pros in those days thumbed there noses at such automated things....oh well we shall overcome and have.
Your other question about the quality of Roland's/Edirol's hardware modules (Canvas) is interesting. There is no doubt that in its time these were amazingly good quality for use with midi files....the best. It is even more astonishing that Roland achieved all of this with a 2mb, 4mb, 16mb, etc. wavetable covering all the instruments in the GM/GS standard....yes amazing. There are today, of course, far better sounding software wavetables including Roland's HQ-Hyper Canvas, HQ-Orchestral and so on.
Up until now I have used sYnerGi GS Soundfont GM/GS/XG Wavetable and modified and changed out some of the instruments. This wavetable sits at 128 MB and sounds better than most hardware modules or keyboards. I would think that something like Colossus and Bandstand will be an order of magnitude better than this. Here is the thing....you can modify these wavetables to suit your needs. You can do this far more easily then with any other hardware based module or keyboard.....except, of course, the Muse Receptor.....a hardware VST (or is it a internet free computer running standard software?)....who would have thought.
[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 10-09-2005).]
#220281 - 10/09/05 10:54 AM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 418
Loc: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Hi Frank,
Thanks for educating me on the world of software arrangers and software synths. You seem to be on the cutting edge and keep providing us with the latest enhancements in this emerging arena.
I am going to check out the sYnerGI Soundfonts.
The future lies in software synthesis. The Korg OASYS put all doubts to rest on the capability of a well designed software synthesizer. The Korg team have total control over this technology. They coded their own OS, they crafted the modeling engines, and then wrapped it inside their own hardware controller casing.
I have played on the OASYS several times at our local dealership. Each time I came back more amazed at the capability and sound quality. Korg put several years of research into this, and is years ahead of the competition. They have a potential time bomb in their hands.
What is preventing Korg from blowing away hardware arrangers like the Tyros2? Think about this. Dan Phillips, Jerry Kovarsky, Stephen Kay and the Korg Team could get together any time and decide to implement arranger functionality on their OASYS on top of their superb combis and Karma functionality. They do not even have to create another hardware arranger. All can be done with an OS update. Their existing OASYS has all the hardware controls, sliders, velocity pads, rotary knobs and touch screen ready to go.
Ok, so maybe they will not do this right away because that would mean killing their own line of Pa1X arrangers. But who is to say they will not someday blow away every other hardware arrangers and even soft synths like Native Instruments and Spectrasonics with a surprise announcement. The potential is already in place inside the OASYS, and Korg has the technical and intellectual capital within their company.
I think we are looking at a very bright future as competition and innovation heats up in the hardware/software arranger market.
#220287 - 10/09/05 08:44 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 03/18/00
Posts: 1008
#220292 - 10/09/05 11:43 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Tappas, here's some more fonts http://bennetng.kc-studio.com/AnotherGS/AnotherXG.html Round 32 mb's ( Free) http://www.sf2midi.com/index.php?page=sdet&id=5038 Nice one at around 120 mbs ( Free ) http://www.guraydere.com/soundfonts/sfdetails.aspx?kat=1 Try the Clavinova Grand Piano 2 ( 24.5mb) It sounds great in piano styles. ( Free) http://www.reasonbanks.com/provitamin_map1.html Reason Provitamin appears to have xg drum mapping. It's fairly large and it's not free. I have a 512mb laptop and an Audigy USB Soundcard. It won't load the provitamin bank . The largest I'm able to load is about 140mb when using my external Audigy. So be careful just in case there's size limitations on your card also. I also have Papalmedia but it's even larger than Provitamin. I also have Sonic Implants & Synergi. Some of the freebies are really quite good. I also think size doesn't neccesarily make them sound better. Best part is you can modify them to suit yourself. I gather you have Vienna Soundfont Editor, it would have probably been part of your Audigy setup?? I'd been in the process of trying to set up an xg font, but I've changed my mind. I think I may be better off converting the styles to gm instead. It appears I'd be more likely to get a good gm soundsource one day ( when I decide to upgrade from the fonts). XG doesn't seem to be supported in softsynths. best wishes Rikki [QUOTE]Originally posted by Tapas: [B]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#220301 - 10/16/05 09:18 AM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 11/10/00
Posts: 2195
Loc: Catskill Mountains, NY
Thanks for that Frank. If it really gets raves, I'll probably go for it. In the meantime, I'll continue to work on modifying the sgm-180 soundfont as time permits me.
I never tried Colossus, but every other GM module I have used has one issue or another that keeps me from using it as a live solution.
Hypercanvas is fine, but the overall sound palette isn't my taste. Hypersonic, even though there was a GM update, still has issues with patch and bank changes. USB's GM module sounds very nice in a lot of instrument types, but doesn't support midi and program changes at all.
The vast majority of my other modules, samples, and Vsti's do one type or group of instrument(s) very well, but don't do the range of GM instruments.
The only other alternative is if I could find a way to make a style automatically open up a particular setup or template that I store in a host like Chainer or FL studio. I'm guessing that there is a way if I could write a piece of addon software or insert the proper commands into the style itself, but I don't think I have the programming skills required to make it happen.
#220302 - 10/16/05 10:50 PM
Re: flr2006 & GM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Guys, at the moment I'm going through the insane process of pulling apart all my soundfonts and saving them as individual instruments. A bit like a patch library. Quite interesting really, to note that a couple of my really large fonts use individual samples for each of the instruments, wheras in the smaller fonts, quite a few of the instruments share the same samples. I suppose it's a lot of work , but at least I'll be able to put together a font that suits, by having large samples for instruments I use regularly, and small samples for ones that I don't.
Gosh, I wouldn't have anything to do if I found a perfect soundsource ( haahaa) Be intersting to see how you go with it Frank.
best wishes rikki
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bluezplayer: [B] In the meantime, I'll continue to work on modifying the sgm-180 soundfont as time permits me.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022