Scott: i use standard gray stuff, and i color it black with a permanent marker to match the board. i have also found further uses for the wonderful stuff: if there is a sturdy wall handy, i don't bother bringing my stand. i just tape the board sideways to the wall and drag up a chair. the obvious benefit is that this way, you can stretch out your legs! another way i use it is when old geezer dudes come up to me and beg me to turn the volume down, i either have mercy on them and stuff their ears with tape, or mercy on me and tape their mouths shut! as for notifying yamaha, i did, and they are currently working with me to create a new type of harness made purely out of duct tape so that musicians can dance with the crowd! (patent pending) and in regards to pics, i think its kinda pointless, because the whole board is covered in duct tape, so it just looks like one big ball! now, i'm hoping that by now i've convinced you that i am in fact not at all serious. the truth of the matter is that most of my music is memorized and i use music finder thing as my song list and one long registration bank. i do have a little notebook with exotic songs that are requested from time to time and that i haven't gotten a chance to memorize. i would seriously advice that maybe split up your music into several diff. notebooks categorized by genre, and even if you have to bring more than one notebook for any given occasion, at least you only have one up on the rack at a time. and during fill-ins you can bend down and get the next. so that's my story. ttfn! Zack