#2215 - 12/18/02 04:37 PM
Re: MIDI, soundcards & sequencers?
Registered: 02/12/01
Posts: 525
Loc: Scotland
This is another one of these posts where they will no doubt be a massive que of "experts" all dying to tell you what to do.
Well... for what it's worth, here's my two cents worth:
I was plagued with a midi problem for around 4 years and I dare say it was probably the same thing you're talking about.
What was happening was if I had a simple tune, then it would play back fine, but if I had an elaborate very busy song, then it would tend to stutter on playback. It was kind of like having a drummer who couldn't *quite* play on time cos he was a little bit drunk.
To this day I'm not entirely sure what the problem was caused by, but from my own research I can absolutely confirm for you that changing the software will NOT solve the problem.
As for buying a new soundcard? Hmmmm... well, I'm not sure.
One thing that's absolutely GUARANTEED to solve the problem however is to record each of your midi tracks as individual audio tracks.
Now, I know that's not the answer you want to hear... but trust me- you will not look back!
Like I say... I had the same problem ruining my life for around 4 years. I was just like you! I used to swear by midi and I wasn't interested in all the fuss that comes with audio. But two years ago I started tuning into the audio vibe and I can honestly say it's opened a whole new world for me!
Using audio is not going to restrict you at all- but using only midi tracks already IS restricting you!
I mean you mentioned transposing. I say "big deal!" If you're really desperate to change keys then you can always revert back to your old midi files and make a new audio recording in a matter of minutes.
Listen man... you've GOT to tune into audio! You've got to remove this barrier that you've got in your mind about audio being a lot of extra work. Just think of all the things you'll be able to do!!! Think of all the effects, the reverbs, the EQing, and the tweaking that you're missing out on!
Audio is fun. Audio is freedom. Audio is where the action is!
I'm sorry about the longwinded response but if your story is anything like mine then I know that this has been making your life a misery.
You've got a very powerful computer. Use it!
#2220 - 12/20/02 06:25 AM
Re: MIDI, soundcards & sequencers?
Registered: 02/12/01
Posts: 525
Loc: Scotland
All you need to do to be totally up and running is to get hold of a slightly better soundcard. Now... I can almost hear your gasp of disappointment from here at the thought of having to cough up a fortune for a pro audio sound card, but there's some good news...
You do not NEED to buy a mega expensive pro audio sound card. Yes- it would help. Yes- it may be something for the future. Yes- it would have more features. But right now you'll get by on a Soundblaster 5.1 Value card. You'll get one for around $20 and it'll get you up and running with midi and multiple audio tracks too.
This is a contraversial subject and I've often got a lot of stick in here for always giving the thumbs up to cheapo sound cards, but believe me... you *can* get away with them if you're desperate. If you've got the money for a pro audio card then all the better!!!
As for software.. well, it's all a matter of personal choice but for what it's worth I would recommend Cubase cos I'm a bit of a sheep and I like the idea of sticking with the rest of the herd (more books, more virtual instruments, more effects plug-ins, more websites, more users to get advice from... etc).
I've never used Cubase SX and I don't know much about it, but I'm using the slightly older Cubase version 5 and so far I have nothing but good things to say about it.
I've also read that Cubase and Cakewalk have quite similar layouts, so the changeover shouldn't be too painful should you go in that direction.
Listen... don't be put off with the idea of having to suddenly go through the slow and painful nightmare of *learning* how to make music using audio tracks.
I wasted 4 years of my life trapped in the world of MIDI, thinking that MIDI was all I'd ever need and that the audio world was just some worthless venture for geeks who liked looking at oscillators in their spare time.
But let me tell you... if you put your mind to it you can learn pretty much everything you *need* to know about audio recording in a day or two.
I've only been tuning into audio for 2 years, but already some very good things have been happening for me. It really has opened a whole new exciting world and I urge you to liberate yourself from midi and give it a go! ---------------------------------------- Get a new soundcard. Tune into the audio vibe.
Good luck!