#221724 - 12/09/07 05:51 AM
Re: Will we be Replaced by a JUKEBOX Next?
Registered: 08/29/05
Posts: 91
Loc: Sebring, Florida, USA
The arguments abound (using pre-recorded sequences vs actual "live" playing). One thing that I've found is that today's audiences are very "jaded". The day when you could lug a B-3 into a venue with a drummer are really over (sadly). Audiences now want solo entertainers to sound like 16-pc orchaestras, and really the only way to do that is to use either self-produced sequences or, if you're unable to do your own, professionally done sequences. Many people confuse the words "entertainer" and "musician". As a musician, I'd love to do everything totally "live" but as an entertainer, I realize that I'd sound awfully silly attempting to perform some of the tunes demanded by audiences, in a "totally live" manner. So, I've resigned myself to the fact that my performances will include some of each, "live" playing coupled with self-produced vocal back-up tracks along with some prof. produced sequences as well. Musical purists don't like this, but if you are attempting to make a buck or two at this, you roll with the flow.... Jim Helwig
#221725 - 12/09/07 06:36 AM
Re: Will we be Replaced by a JUKEBOX Next?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by Jim Helwig: The arguments abound (using pre-recorded sequences vs actual "live" playing). One thing that I've found is that today's audiences are very "jaded". The day when you could lug a B-3 into a venue with a drummer are really over (sadly). Audiences now want solo entertainers to sound like 16-pc orchrestras....
Jim Helwig Jim, I don't think this is universally true. Virtually all jazz clubs and most upscale venues want just the opposite; or at least, that's how it is in this neck of the woods (Atlanta). There is a wealth of top shelf musicians in this area and in the well-to-do northern suburbs of Atlanta (Roswell, Alpharetta, Sandy Springs, Diluth), "live" means "live". I play (sparingly - no more than once a week) as an organ trio w/guitar/drums and female vocalist in a fairly large jazz club that serves mediocre, grossly overpriced, food (or a mediocre restaurant that serves great jazz - take your pick) and the place is packed to the rafters with upper-middle class suburbanites in the 30-50 age range, 90% White, 10% "other" (which roughly approximates the local demographic). There are three other similar venues (one physically connected to a comedy club w/same ownership) where the situation is the same - packed houses every Thurs -Sat. In all cases, the featured bands range from 4 (like ours) to 7 pieces. The pay is decent but not earth-shattering. But the point is, you won't make more as a solo entertainer using canned backing because you'd never get hired; not in a million years. My point is, if you provide REALLY good music, there will always be an appreciative audience willing to pay for quality. I should mention, none of these places have dancing. I'm sure there are clubs in the area that do but I'm not familiar with them or who plays in them. Just another opinion. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#221727 - 12/09/07 05:18 PM
Re: Will we be Replaced by a JUKEBOX Next?
Registered: 08/29/05
Posts: 91
Loc: Sebring, Florida, USA
Chas....I respect your opinion, but you missed my point. I'm talking about totally solo keyboardists, like myself. No group, no other musicians involved. Unless you are truly a "big" name, like Lenny Dee used to be back in the day, a solo keyboardist attempting to play totally live, and sing too really doesn't work that well. Unless you're talking cocktail lounge gigs, and I don't happen to be a particularly good pianist, lol. Simply because I have the ability to sequence and produce my own vocal back-up tracks doesn't make me any less of a musician. I can still sit down at a B-3 and do a heckuva "Tico-Tico"...but this isn't exactly what most audiences want. With all the keyboard technology available, why not use it? Many players would be "lost" without the 1-note technology available now....they can still perform, use 1-note chords and sound fine. And honestly, I have no problem with that, never did. The majority of the venues that I play at involve dancing, which is very difficult to do playing live on a KN7000...so I use the available rhythm patterns when I play live. I refuse to apologise for using available technology as long as it is tasetful, and presented for entertainment purposes.
#221728 - 12/09/07 07:33 PM
Re: Will we be Replaced by a JUKEBOX Next?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by Jim Helwig: I refuse to apologise for using available technology as long as it is tasetful, and presented for entertainment purposes. Jim, no neet to apologize, especially to me. I'm not only a technology geek, but would be ready to "end it all" if the technology that I've gotten used to, suddenly disappeared. I guess I just meant that there is also a market out there for so-called "live" music (although limited). It probably is true that these "live" venues are becoming more and more rare, providing employment for only the top tier players (because of competition), especially in areas that are hotspots in the recording industry (Nashville, Atlanta, LA, NYC, etc.). I think the formula for success in this business is the same as it has always been; know your craft, know your market, and know how to market yourself (or get someone that does). Doesn't matter which approach you take (solo pianist w/vocals ala Bobby Short, OMB using everything that technology can offer, or part of a "live" band, just try to be the best of that type out there. That's the best assurance of always being in demand. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#221730 - 12/10/07 11:25 PM
Re: Will we be Replaced by a JUKEBOX Next?
Registered: 11/04/03
Posts: 541
Loc: Australia
Well most of the replies so far are well thought out and valid - so here's the opposite (MY reply - lol).
I think we've reached the point in this day and age (I'm talking mainly about Music here) where anything goes.
Any Genre. Any Era. Any type of entertainment. From a 16 piece orchestra - if ya got's the money - to a 7 piece funk band, to a Jazz Trio, to a Duo, to a OMB all the way "down" to someone's Ipod and a big PA.
I don't think anything will REALLY replace anything else these days, audiences, the general public - hell, PEOPLE just want different things at different times and in different places.
That's what I love about living now - in the 40's we had Big Band, in the 50's Rock n Roll exploded, in the 60's Beat Groups, 70's got Heavy (disco in the latter part) 80's was downright horrible - I was THERE at least - 90's Grunge, and now the "naughties" 2000-? is one big fabulous melting pot with ALL these options available ALL the time.
Really, I think there's room for everyone these days - Ipods included.