I thought the Organ sounds were superb also. I'm gonna have to play one in person and see how much of a negative the style variation fill-in anomaly really is but if Korg can fix it by way of an OS update or if there is some other type of a work around that isn't too complicated to pull off I may eventually end up getting a Pa2x. I will be losing 8 notes of polyphony in the process vs. my Tyros but it's much better than the Pa1x at only 62 notes.
It's interesting that you didn't notice an SA quality in the guitars Tom. When I listened to the guitar .mp3 demos on the korgpa.com site I sensed a realism on par or even superior to the SA guitars on the Tyros2. Hearing them in person may lead to a different conclusion but if the mp3's are any indication of their overall quality Yamaha should be trembling in their boots I would think. That is unless Yamaha has something even better up their sleeve prepared for the T3. And I wouldn't doubt it one bit if they did have. Although the T3 is another year, year and a half away. The Pa2x is right here right now. Decisions decisions... But if there is going to be no 76 key T3 they lost
my money.

Ian, have your sources been "re-confirmed" as to whether the T3 is only going to be 61 keys? There is no question at all?? Definitely 61? You know that for a fact, from someone who you know, who knows for certain, with no hint of a maybe detected in his voice when you conversed with him?