#224336 - 01/25/08 10:55 AM
Re: Can anyone tweak their keyboards jazz guitar to sound like this?
Senior Member
Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2417
Loc: CA
Originally posted by Scott Langholff: Thanx, this is more along the lines again of what I was really asking in this thread. BUT, for some reason the 2 in the first post don't play. Any clue on this?
The next post, the piano sounds pretty good, but, for some reason the guitar track is real quite so it's kind of hard to hear the guitar voice.
Scott Hi Scott, I re-recorded "Sushi" and gave the DynoJazz Guitar a boost in volume to let you hear it better in the mix. Now it stands out quite a bit more. I was thinking of re-recording it anyway because I too noticed the volume was kinda low. I had actually given it a little volume boost on the original recording over the songs default volume. But this new recording brings it up where it should be in the mix. Thanks for the 'nudge' to get me to record it again Scott.  I think you'll be pleased with this one. Sushi with better DynoJazz Guitar volume  PS: As far as not being able to play the .wav files in the first post I'm not sure exactly what the problem might be. I can download and open them just fine on my system. Have you tried right clicking the file and choosing Save As to see if that works? It could just be the media player you are using too perhaps. I'm playing them in the newest version of Winamp free edition and they play just fine. Anyway, I hope the new .mp3 recording of Sushi is more to your liking Scott.  Best, Mike [This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 01-25-2008).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#224339 - 01/26/08 10:43 AM
Re: Can anyone tweak their keyboards jazz guitar to sound like this?
Senior Member
Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2417
Loc: CA
Scott, if you have Firefox your Yahoo video should work in Firefox. If you want to continue using Internet Explorer here is a fix to get the Yahoo Video working again in IE. Note: You may want to back up your registry before performing the fix. In Windows XP click Start/Run and type in "regedit" without the quotes, click ok, and when the Registry Editor comes up make sure the 'My Computer' is highlighted then click File/Export, give the backup a name in the File Name box, and then save the registry backup to a folder. After backing up (if you decide to do a back up that is  ) then depending on your configuration, go to the following registry key in either: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent." Under User Agent or Post Platform OR IN "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform" If the "Mozilla ... SV1" entry is found, delete it; and then you should have your Yahoo Video back to working in Internet Explorer Scott!  Best, Mike PS: I wanted to give you a thorough description since I'm not sure how familiar you are with getting into the Windows Registry Editor and backing it up, etc. For all I know you could be a certified "brain" with computers and if that's the case I'm sorry for being trifle.  Also be aware that under User Agent or Post Platform depending which string its under, that you may have to highlight the values in the right panel to make sure the the "Mozilla ... SV1" is there or not Scott. [This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 01-26-2008).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#224340 - 01/26/08 01:13 PM
Re: Can anyone tweak their keyboards jazz guitar to sound like this?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Scott, I've always said we have more undiscovered features in our keyboards than anyone can imagine. A few days ago I was talking on the phone with someone that has owned a Tyros2 since they became available in our area. He was totally unaware that all of the sound efffect, GM and XG voices were also in his keyboard. He called me back the next day and said he spent four hours just playing all those newly discovered voices. He was really flabergasted when I told him how to modify those voices using the keyboard's onboard Sound Creator program. This brings me to the point of why I have not updated to either the T2 or S-900. Each time I come across some newly created or modified styles it's just like getting a new keyboard. Cheers, Gary ------------------ Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#224342 - 01/26/08 04:27 PM
Re: Can anyone tweak their keyboards jazz guitar to sound like this?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
And just a quick word about MP3's...
Not all software reads VBR (variable bit rate) MP3's, especially some browser plug-ins. I might suggest that a fixed rate of at least 192 kbps will be more than adequate.
While some obsess over the lossy nature, from 192 kbps upwards is, IMO, MORE than enough to demonstrate our keyboards well. It is FAR more important to get a solid (but not clipped) recording level, and then a little mild limiting (3-6db) to bring overall levels up. I prefer to record at 44/24 .wav, do any limiting or compression while still .wav, THEN convert to MP3, but some of you may be using built-in MP3 recorders...
If so, I recommend after recording to AT LEAST 'normalize' the file, or limit (if you can) to help raise the overall level. MP3's are a 'lossy' codec, so if you record too low, when you normalize or limit, you are raising the noise floor and accentuating the inherent 'smear' that MP3 puts on the sound. Hence, making sure that you record at as high a level as you can before clipping, and you will minimize the difference between what YOU hear, and what gets onto the MP3.
Unfortunately, I am a Mac guy, so can't recommend any specific MP3 editing software, but I have used a cross-platform program called Audacity, which has these tools included. Perhaps other, more Windows savvy members could suggest what programs do the best (hopefully free!) job at this.
To be honest, without the aid of some seriously good monitors, most of us here would probably have a hard time distinguishing between a 16/44 .wav and a 256 kbps mp3 of the same file, AS LONG AS IT WAS RECORDED WELL IN THE FIRST PLACE (our ears aren't as young as they used to be!). But make your levels too low, fail to normalize and limit a little, and it gets a lot easier!
I hope this helps...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!