Sorry about my earlier post, and the misunderstandings from it. Firstly, let me say that the Nazi reference in it was in NO WAY a commentary about Donny whatsoever, just an illustration that it doesn't take long for some of us to forget WHY something was wrong in the first place, and to revive it... That paragraph was simply a commentary on how royal titles are so popular in american culture. Often, it is a sign of respect from others. And sometimes it is simply self-aggrandizement. You make your own mind up. It isn't strictly about whether you CALL yourself 'King' or whatever, it is whether you start to behave like one...
As to taking the high road... Once it has been tried and failed several times, another route needs investigating. Ian, Fran, myself and Donny all called a 'truce' and 'devil take the hindmost' before Christmas after things were getting silly, again. Didn't last very long, did it? If less than a month is all Donny can tolerate before he starts flaming and running, it doesn't bode well for the future, does it? What's the point in a lull? If it is inevitable it starts again...?
You might notice that I have NOT gone back and edited or removed my initial post in this thread. From looking at it again, I can see how misinterpreted my words might have been, and how harsh a tone I used. And I apologize for this. I was, at the time, extremely upset that after things seemed like they had calmed down again, back comes the same old cr@p, and off we go! This is one of the few places where one can get a decent discussion going about arrangers, and their future as musical instruments, and it has been taking quite a hit from spats and feuds that don't belong here (we DO have email and Skype, if you wish to get personal!). Several have left, several post infrequently now. I would like to see a return to the way things were.
So, I do NOT go back and edit my post. I leave it up there, as a warning to MYSELF to be more careful proofing what I type. As a sign that I am man enough to not hide my misdeeds, and leave threads with baffling gaps and one sided retorts. If Donny could understand the cowardliness (is that too harsh a word? Put your own choice in there yourself, then) in removing his own tirades (and replacing them with a smiley, of all things!), perhaps, well firstly he might not do it. And secondly, he might refrain from the tirade in the first place, or at least acknowledge that whatever invective he wishes to let us read will remain for all time.
Editing our posts is a way for us to either clarify something we posted, or to correct typos and facts. NOT flame and run and hide with a 'This message edited by' shroud of cowardice.
I am NOT going to remove my post. It WAS wrong, I apologize, and it will remain for all to see (without anyone else having to go to the bother of quoting me!) forever. As a warning to ME to be more careful in what I post.
And hopefully, a warning to others, too...
'Post in haste, repent at leisure'