Since I am a PC guy, I will try to step you thru this procedure as best I can.
First, SAVE your CD (individual songs) to a location on your Mac. Do that with your jpg files too.
Now go to a site that permits you to upload and save your files. Follow their instructions closely. They will ultimately ask you to UPLOAD the desired files. They will provide a dialog box for you to insert your computer location - example, C:\mytunes\cd1\song1. They usually provide a BROWSE button for you to explore your computer. In that case you can locate the file, highlight it and press LOAD or whatever term they use. Follow this procedure for each the songs and pictures or whatever you wish to load.
Once you have finished this task - which will take a good number of minutes - save the address of the location where all of these files are being held. As Fran said, you can probably email it to yourself for quick reference. Otherwise we PC people can press Ctrl+C (probably Apple+C) to save it to a clipboard on your Mac.
Now come back to the SZ and post a message as usual. Include that saved address (Apple+V)??? in the message. Then we can click on that site and listen to your music and see your pictures.
I hope I haven't forgotten too much. You're a smart guy; you should be able to fill in the blanks. If you need more help, email me. In fact, if you want to email the individual files to me I will post them on a separate webpage on my site.
As far as saving your CD as an mp3, I think iTunes may already do that. If it doesn't, you should be able to go to your menu and find some way to switch to saving music as an mp3 - this is will save lots of space, so I'm sure Mac does it already.
If you can't save the music as an mp3, send them to me and I'll convert them and send them back to you. You may have to send only two or three per email because of the size.
