I'll be the first to admit at being 'too easy' when it comes to situations like this. When I bought my last car, if it wasn't for my wife, I'd be paying a higher interest rate for more money

It's a flaw I have, I'd make a lousy lawyer, I am way too patient. I'd also be a lousy salesman, I'd give stuff away.
Anyway, I talked to the music store rep, and he made me an offer that I didn't like. He offered a deal on a S-700 that took about $125 off the list price, or I could repair the 3000 for $600 rather than the original $800. Instead of me demanding something better, I asked him to let me think about it, and I'd call him back.
When I called back, I actually countered him (yes I did !)with a new offer, he said " I'd lose money on that deal'. So now it's no longer about making a dissatisfied customer happy, it's about the store losing money. (I didn't tell HIM that, but told myself that)
I explained to him that Yamaha could probably fix the keyboard for a lot less than what the music store quoted.
He wanted the phone number of the Yamaha rep that told me that (why would I make that up), to confirm that there was a less expensive way to handle this...soooo I called Yamaha, and explained the new story.
Yamaha is well aware what is going on, and they have issued me a case number.
side note... I just realized while checking the spelling...Why did I need to call Yamaha? Doesn't the store have the number to verify prices?
So Yamaha called me today, and I had to explain the whole thing over again for the umpteen time. The very friendly Yamaha rep said he would call the store, to work something out (again) The day is over, and I have heard nothing from anyone.
While this Yamaha rep had me on the phone, he told me that indeed, a motherboard replacement is not cheap, and that the store would not make money on the new repair deal (again it's the money, not customer satisfaction). He then said if the keyboard were sent to Yamaha, most of the time, individual circuits can be repaired, at a much cheaper cost.
At this point, all I'm asking is that the music store ships the keyboard from the music store to Yamaha, then from Yamaha to my home. I'll pay the cost of repair. the music store pays for the shipping. I asked the Yamaha rep to ask the store rep if they would do that. ( I was in no mood to talk to the store rep again)
I really want this settled next week. Either I'm getting the broken keyboard back, and I'll be done with this store, and will have lost some faith in Yamaha, or a more reasonable settlement is reached.
Is that asking too much for a 3 month (and counting)repair wait?
Edited for spelling
SynthZone Frapper [This message has been edited by lahawk (edited 02-01-2008).]