IT'S OVER !I picked up the keyboard, and it's home, and it's working great! A new Main PC Board was installed, and I swear, it sounds better than before the breakdown. Now this could be my imagination, or because it's been so long, I may have forgotten how it really sounds. But it appears to be a more 'richer' sound. Possible?
So one last time, I would like to thank Yamaha who went the extra mile to satisfy an unhappy customer. Because of them, the final repair cost was 1/2 the original estimate. They really had nothing to do with my 'long wait problem' with the store, but felt obligated to help. They have the best support system of any major company that I know of. It's a great reason to continue to use Yamaha.
I also want to thank Nigel, if not for this forum, I don't believe I would have made it this far. The members who responded with concern and advise was a HUGE asset in getting this done. Make no mistake, comments on the SynthZone get noticed by those in power. If you only knew how this helps...
I owe all you guys big time!

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