#225741 - 02/02/08 09:32 PM
Re: well..how is the new gear working out?
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Registered: 03/21/03
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#225742 - 02/03/08 07:56 AM
Re: well..how is the new gear working out?
Registered: 11/04/03
Posts: 541
Loc: Australia
OK, I'll bite.
Bose PAS (Model 2) and 2 B1 subs, Tone match Engine.
*takes a deep breath*
Ok, well you guys know me (kinda) by now, and you probably realise I'll tell it like it is (yes...for me and MY reality etc etc) so here goes.
There's a lot of *ahem* "emotive discussion" when it comes to this system.
I don't see why.
It's a P.A. - not the second coming (as you might get the impression from almost all the Bose devotees.) You have to live with it & understand it, like any other piece of equipment. I thought it would sound PERFECT out of the box. It doesn't.
Nothing does.
Like any P.A. you have to learn it, tweak it, get used to it, and become "at one" with it to use it to it's fullest potential like ANY piece of gear.
I think the only people who would have a real problem with the Bose are:
a) People who don't like their own sound (the system is relatively transparent unless you pile on the effects on every channel) and challenges you to be a good singer and player as it really IS like holding up a "sonic mirror" to yourself and having a good look.
(Now please don't all fly into an indignant rage at that statement with all sorts of "well I'm quite happy with my sound & abilities & I still don't want a Bose" or "so are your saying we're not worthy to use the system" replies. I don't think I'm perfect either, I'm just giving a theory. Most of the members on these boards seem quite decent players and performers so I don't think anyone here is "below par" - whatever the hell THAT means anyway!)
b) People who can't afford one (for WHATEVER reason).
I started off by saying this system is just a P.A. and doesn't sound perfect OOTB.
That's true - I'm trying to be real here.
The trouble is the more you read, (from Bose Marketing itself, and their devotees) the more you suspect if you actually buy a PAS and take it to the U.N. for a gig, World peace will finally be achieved.
So cutting through all the hype (and hopefully defusing a bunch of potentially unhelpful replies and "overly emotive opinions") I can say this -
It's great. (yeah, yeah for ME)
We're never going back to conventional (& much heavier) equipment.
My ears don't hurt after gigs anymore. We got our car back (room wise). Audiences ACTUALLY DO go pretty nuts over the sound, and freak out when we point out what's making it. Set up and tear down time is halved - and once we actually get used to it, probably "quartered". The cases loosen up (apparently) - I feel weird even commenting on that, but it seems to be an issue for some reason - I LOVE the cases.
Guys, I really don't see who COULDN'T use this system unless you need to fill a Huge room (REALLY huge) or Stadiums. Even THEN I'd use the PAS as a wonderful stage monitoring setup, and connect to whatever massive FOH system the aforementioned Huge room /Stadium has.
Will I think less of ANY of you for not using one?
Please don't think less of me for using mine.
#225745 - 02/03/08 06:40 PM
Re: well..how is the new gear working out?
Registered: 11/04/03
Posts: 541
Loc: Australia
Hey Mike (thanks for all your help btw).
It's weird "Down Under", (I hate using that cliche...) because what happens is - you have to go to certain Music stores that are "Bose Distributors" and you give them the order, then they contact Bose on your behalf, and Bose deliver the Goods to the Store...weird. (Actually it's most likely so Bose can control the price directly.)
The store had a loaner which we used for 3 gigs. No real 45 day trial. We made up our minds after the 2nd gig however, and are more sure than ever now.
Thanks for your reply Don, that's the sort of honest post I appreciate without anyone getting all steamed up about this topic - thank you. Actually, your post reminded me about something I meant to mention in my first post - Price.
Down here it's $4885 (Aussie Dollars)
If I was to purchase a similar, conventional P.A. - let's take my old P.A. as an example...
12" Top Speakers $800-$1000 each [Total $1600-$2000] 15" Subwoofer [$2000] - For a good one, I don't skimp on Subs. Mixing Desk (Small 4-6 Channel with FX) $500 Monitor/Foldback [$600) Covers [$150-$200]
(Excuse the approximates, but they're certainly in the ballpark.)
TOTAL: $5300 (Max price from the above examples)
So, for me - $5300 (approx) vs $4885 (Exact).
Selling my old gear (which I'm about to do) may net me $1500 (conservative est) so I spent more in the region of $3500 (All costs Australian Dollars).
Like many of you, we're professionals, so good money spent on good equipment is good for business - I had no qualms about it.
Where it DOES become expensive is where you have a trio or full Band situation (4,5,6,7,8, or 9 piece) where say, for a 4-5 piece I would use at least 2 PAS systems with subs.
It's a big ask for a band to outlay that kind of money, because a conventional P.A. (like the one I described) should do an entire Band.
#225746 - 02/04/08 09:37 AM
Re: well..how is the new gear working out?
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
A couple of weeks ago, I bought two Behringer powered speakers. I wanted to use them, with a small mixer, at the club where I work, and then when I book other singles or duos in they could use the same system--no need to load and set up p.a. I was hesitant to leave my Bose system for others because it IS rather expensive and they wouldn't necessarily know how to set up and use it. I was really surprised how good the speakers sounded (B212a). I took them to the club, set them up and used them for a week. HankB's trio also used them when they worked a weekend for me. We all agreed the sound was really good and it was working out as planned. Then, I had a really crowded night. Tables were shoved up next to the band stand, even encroaching on the dance floor. Had to turn the volume up for music to reach the back of the room. People near me started complaining; my ears started ringing from the volume, since the speakers have to be behind me. I realized the Bose was much better in this situation. If I hadn't known better, the new system would have been fine, it's just that the Bose offers benefits that traditional systems can't. Now, I will either return the Behringers, sell them, or keep them for backup or for suitable jobs. I am still very much impressed with them. They are light, powerful and sound very good. As Hellboy said, the Bose isn't perfect, but it is perfect for some situations. Most situations maybe. DonM