Same as Jamil,
Dear Zierra
The Zip Disk have to use the database system to recognize files such as style and midi...
So a diskette works fine for Computer and G-1000, but a zip didn't. I recommend Zierra to visit Roy de Wild page or Steen page which the links can be found just before this discussion page you can read about all those frustrating zip problem. That's mean if you copy the songs from computer into the computer zip drive, G-1000 can't see anything.
I have discover an easy way to update the database using the simplest method that is to copy all the songs full into a 1.44Mb diskette and Use COPY function under DISK and choose ALL to Copy from FDD to ID5 and the database will be updated automatically and you can see all of them. The 'choose all' function is nice here. The styles database work in the same way. The style in zip has extension .sth instead of .stl. Backup has to be done thru FDD as well. But this time you can only choose a maximum of 20 for each transfer as FDD can handle huge data. If you have an external SCSI device then, it's a different story.
What computer zip can do: To backup a zip disk (already containing data) then you can use the computer zip drive by using zip tools to copy zip to zip but the destination zip disk has to be formatted by G-1000 and when computer zip ask whether to format it, Say 'No' and then when ask to overwrite all say 'YES' then within minutes, you will have a same identical zip as original. This is good to backup the original supplied zip.