As the so-called 'entertainment' industry moves us into the era of 'integration', do any of you actually stop and figure out what this actually means, or is it 'four legs good, two legs bad' sheep-like response to their brainwashing?
The 'entertainment' business, since the advent of MTV, and MUCH more rapidly now there's a complete generation who have grown up thinking that music and video are the same thing, have achieved in persuading the masses that actually having any talent is irrelevant. Their model for what 'entertains' us is very pretty, very young, attractive dancers with little or no musical ability, and they let technology - lip-sync-ing, karaoke, Auto-Tune and Pro-Tools - substitute for any actual ability.
These things, all the multimedia 'convergence', flashing lights, glamor and makeup but no ability, is exactly the thing that the VIMA is tapping into. Dazzle them with video, watch the screen, not my hands, and you might not notice I'm not playing...
This is a forum of people that can (mostly!) actually play music. Products like this are developed for people that CAN'T. Let us not think for one minute that sticking our aged and gnarly mugs up on a screen while we play is 'entertainment' of any kind (other than perhaps comedy!). Our audiences are brainwashed into wanting pretty young things with good lip-syncing chops. We are none of that.
The more you divert people's attention away from the fact that you are actually playing (you ARE actually playing, aren't you?

), the more you trivialize your skills, and open the door for someone ACTUALLY young and pretty to come in, fake that they are playing (or even singing) and take your gig.
Integration is GREAT for the business of those that sell the tools for it, but has anyone considered whether it is great for us? The industry is definitely moving towards this, but they are doing it with pretty young things under the age of 25. I doubt whether anyone here falls into that category. We're a bunch of mostly over 50, pretty gnarly-looking (at least from the frapper and posted pics I've seen!

) old geezers. Integration is the LAST thing we need...
Or you run the risk of being lumped in with the target consumer for products like this... People that can't play or sing, but want it to look pretty while they do it.
That's NOT you, is it?
BTW, I recommend a documentary, showing on IFC at the moment, by Andrew Shapter, called 'Before the Music Dies', as a scathing indictment of the current state of the recording and so-called 'entertainment' business. Watch it if you can.
Integration...? Not if I can help it!