(Cue the Rolling Stones' "(I can't get no) Satisfaction)
"I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction.
'cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no.
When I'm drivin' in my car
And that man comes on the radio
And he's tellin' me more and more
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination.
I can't get no, oh no no no.
Hey hey hey, that's what I say."
In all probability, Donny, if the G70 didn't hold your interest before, it isn't going to hold it for very long this time... The exact same reasons you dropped it before are still valid.
It isn't any lighter
It isn't voiced much better (a bit, but it is STILL mostly down to the user)
The sounds are the same
The styles are (basically) the same
The OS is still flawed (but improved since you had one)
It isn't any lighter....
chas's advice (though blunt!) is perhaps en point... Maybe, instead of changing your equipment, you could try changing your repertoire. Wholesale. Do the same thing you do with your arrangers. Toss it ALL out, and start from scratch. It will at least be a less expensive way of gaining variety in your act. Maybe not the genre (can't see you doing Timberlake covers, anyway!), but maybe you AND your audience might appreciate a change from the same old, same old (but on a different arranger).
Toss all the mp3's, too. That's GOT to be depressing... you buy a brand new arranger, and the act still sounds the same. In fact, why not toss the OMB thing altogether, for a while..? Your chops and vocal skills should find you a live band gig with little difficulty, and the fact that you are willing to drop sizable chunks of money just to TRY a new arranger for a few months shows that the money isn't all THAT important.
Me, if I am bored and restless, usually, a few gigs with some players that challenge me, or a studio project that forces me to be original is all it takes to re-charge my batteries. And I actually MAKE money on it, rather than lose it...
No, PLEASE don't get another G70, Donny. It will be uncomfortable for me to have to correct your inevitable gushing, glowing review with the sad fact that, just like everything else you have gone through in the last couple of years, the G70 isn't perfect, either...