Zuki zuki zuki.....although I do change alot of my KB's as everyone well knows, at least I give them a fighting chance on stage of a month or two..with that said,
I really cant continue until you post a few tunes or email me a demo so we can share info together on our styles because that's the missing piece in the puzzle & I'm not alone in that thinking either

but it does pull it all together in understanding where your coming from....so until then I will refrain from this type of posting anymore.... thanx for the S900 offer but I'm already going in another direction.
BTW, Can I ask why you are now getting rid of your beloved Yamaha S900 on the Buy/Sell forum to trade for another PA800 I thought you loved the Yammy SA sounds & Styles for your shows, medleys etc, etc, ?
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 03-13-2008).]