Let's get a little disclosure here, Donny...
You aren't buying all this stuff at MAP, are you? You are getting it at dealer cost through someone, yes? (Fran, or someone else?)
You say you aren't losing money doing this constant equipment swapping. Well, no-one's going to pay you MAP for a used piece of gear. And most stores have a 15% restocking fee (15% of a K4 is close to $150). Are you paying this just to try the amp?

I imagine most of us would have your approach to gear if it didn't cost us anything (but our time!), but in all fairness, that's not how most of us have access to equipment. It would help explain a LOT about your habits if you 'fessed up about what kind of price you are paying. You've gone through what? Four arrangers in the last year?
For the rest of us mere mortals, thats about $1000 in either restocking fees, or depreciation (buy new, sell used). And that's just the arrangers! Now add all the rest of the stuff you try.
So, please be honest... Are you getting your stuff at a dealer discount..?
It's not that we mind, far from it. Good on 'yer, mate! It just would just go a long way to explaining why you never settle down and remain satisfied with one setup. If it costs you nothing to do this, or maybe you even make out a little (

), what you are doing makes a lot more sense.