Hi Donny,
I spent nearly 2 years on & off trying to find a way to edit the SD1+ styles.
I knew when I bought it that it didn't have note event list editing, but stupidly I went ahead anyway. My big plan was to convert the styles I was lacking with EMC, & use the note event editor in EMC's plus package to fix any wrong notes in the conversion. Naturally that didn't work out.
Everytime I loaded a style back & forth, EMC would delete the the expression controller on the first event, therefore any tracks that used multiple expression controllers could have large jumps in volume.
Next option was to record the style tracks via a pc sequencer across to the SD1. Haven't had to use this method since my Roland G800 well over 10 years ago.
That sort of got wearisome having to record each style part including minor & 7th tracks where neccesary across in realtime. Even midiing the sd1 to a PC is far from intuitive & I've had all my keyboards midied to a computer going right back to my Technics kn800/Atari combination 20 years ago.
There is no way that an EMC conversion doesn't require more than just changing a sound or altering the panning whatever, if the notes ( usually minor intro's & endings ) haven't converted correctly, they require fixing either thru note editing or rerecording.
For those expert enough to record from scratch, then fine, or for those who are more than happy with the onboard styles then brilliant, one can come up with some new styles by using the style copy function, only problem is with the Ketron method, both tracks from the styles have to be the same length, leaves it a bit limited, (in both korg & yamaha, the tracks don't have to be the same length.)
I think I tried long enough to try & make it work to suit my needs,
I'm ever so thankfull you introduced me to the Korg PA800 thru your posts. I'm now happy to use the Ketron as is, & do all my style creation/editing for the korg.
best wishes
Originally posted by Dnj:
Hi Rikki....
I've also owned many Ketron units X1,XD9,Midjay,Sd1+...........love/hate relationship keeps revolving with me also.
If you put the time in, do your homework, learn the OS, you will be rewarded with great styles, sounds, & they have some very unique useful arranger features...user tolerance is an individual thing.