Hi Zuki,
as I mentioned previously I don't sing.
I did check the midi functions & there is a control channel for the harmonizer.
By the sounds of things it's going to be a case of setting up the correct midi channels ie a chord channel for the midi data out ( PSR) to Korgs Midi in.
For Live work you'd probably want to keep the setup simple as possible.
Were you basically just planning on playing either the psr or the pa800, and in the case of the psr , use the PA800's vocalizer instead of it's own??
You weren't actually planning on sharing sounds? ie mix of pA800 styles & PSR melody voices?? which is fine for recording purposes, but could be a bit tricky in a Live situation.
AS for Styles,
There's been a number of user 3rd party style links at the createsongstyle forum,
I'm currently saving mine into banks in their different genre's and saving them to USB stick instead of leaving them in the pa800.. A lot of them are too good to throw out, but there's probably also stuff I'm not likely to use like Dance & Trance styles , Funk styles etc yet they sound good. So rather than have styles I'm not using clutter up my "Favourites Banks" and create chaos when I run out of "Favourites" slots,what I'll do is when I need to audition user styles for a new song, I just load my bank of, just say, bigband or swing whatever, into the user style section, try them all out, if I then find a style that suits, I'll load it into favourites slot & & leave it there permanently. Saves having to reorganize a songbook entry .
I'd always imagined we'd be able to overwrite the existing Factory styles should I run out of Favourites or User style slots, problem is when overwriting a factory style or saving to an empty Factory style slot, the only way of saving the Factory slots is as a Resources File, they don't save as part of an "ALL save" like favourites & user styles do.
So if Korg happens to bring out a new resources upgrade ( like they did with 1.50 ) any styles you saved in a FACTORY style slot, would be overwritten. Catch 22, you either do the upgrade or keep the old one with your styles.
So really a last resort saving into Factory Style slots. Admitedly you could have the styles saved on a usb card, but they'd all have to be loaded back in individually, wheras Favourites & User styles can be loaded & saved as banks.
I'm still sorting thru mine saving as banks, are there any particular genres you need like bigband, swing ? Probably a lot would be double up's of Stephen's anyway.
I've also discarded quite a few, can't be bothered fixing if it's not a style I'm ever likely to use.
best wishes
Originally posted by zuki:
Hi Rikki,